Translate   11 years ago

Paper Daisies (BX : Two Anthony - I roughly tugged my boots on, my shaky hands trying to tie the shoe laces. I don't know how long I've got. Sure, I hated him right now but was that a suicide note? Was he actually going to kill himself? Because I broke up with him.. Because HE cheated on me. My heart was literally racing against my rib cage as I jogged down the stairs, missing the bottom few with a little jump. "Mum! I'm going o-out!" I tried to keep my voice from sounding like I was going to burst into tears, believe me.. I was. But If my mum knew that I was a wreck, she'd never let me go. "mm, okay Ant. Make sure you're back for dinner though." Mum shouted back across the house. Before she could even finish her sentence though, I flung the front door open,grabbing my coat on the way out before sprinting down the road. I'd have to catch the bus to Danny's house, I could run it but If I had a chance of stopping him, I needed to get there fast. Just to my luck, I jumped onto the next bus, holding tightly onto the pole. The palms of my hands started to sweat and I nervously swayed from side to side. My Danny wanted to kill himself. He might not be with me any more, but I couldn't let him go, not knowing that it would be all my fault. "Dear, your nose seems to be bleeding." A elder women who just got on the bus mumbled, slowly and shakily sitting down. I touched my nose, groaning weakly as I felt the warm fluid drip down my hand. It must be the pressure. Smiling a little, weakly. "I'll be fine, thanks." I whispered. As the bus stopped, I dropped my hand from my nose, taking my chance to quickly jump off, breaking off into another sprint. left, right, right, left. Run. Run. My mind was telling me to run like crazy but my legs were starting to go weak, my whole body started to sweat as I slammed my hand roughly down on the door handle. "Breathe.." I mumbled to myself, pushing the door open quickly I let my tears slowly pour down my cheeks. "Danny!!" I screamed as loud as I could, my heart dropping as I didn't get any answer. Why couldn't we just go back, go back to a day where everything was perfect. My legs tried their hardest to tackle the large set of stairs as I rushed to get into Danny's room. "D.. Danny.." I sobbed out weakly, running my fingers through my hair. Slowly, I placed myself down on the bed, glancing over his set of drawers beside me. What was going to be inside? I didn't want to open it.. but maybe, just maybe it would take me to him. Tell me a way to save him. Shaky hand grabbed the handle of the second drawer, pulling it slowly open. Inside, was a tiny flower, a paper flower.. A daisy. Smiling weakly, I slowly pulling it up, noticing the drawer was full off tiny Daisy petals. Placing the flower aside, I slid my hand into the drawer, rummaging around to see if I could find anything else. My hand lightly brushed against a crispy piece of paper, flinching softly as I slowly pulled it out. Daisy time, The grass covered with stars. Fallen in their brightness, hearts they have of shining gold, Rays of shining whiteness, Buttercups have shining hearts, Bees must love the clover, But I love the Daisies dance, All the meadow over. -- Anthony, forget about me. Like I forgot about you the night I cheated. Don't think of me as a ex, think of me as a regret, a forgotten memory. I send thee to look after you, keep quiet and stay low. He shall come to you, be happy my dear. --- Right, hey there guys. Gonna ask you a few questions here! omfg do you like it? I'd love the feedback! What do you think Danny means by 'He shall come to you' ?? Do you feel sorry for Anthony, or do you think it's his fault? (Personally I love him already) lkjhgfds also also also, I know Danny wasn't in it for very long, I mean he's dead now.. but did you like him? Did you think he meant well? Is he actually dead? (I already know the answer :') Anything else you wanna add, just give me some things that I can read, to maybe make it better or just tell me how you love it, what you think about it ect ect. I love reading all you're comments it makes me so happy to know that you like my stories. Okay so, I gotta go now. Um, remember to comment, favourite and follow. Love you all lots and lots. Really hope you have enjoyed it and all that hehe :3 I'll update as soon as possible, I already know where the story is going so I should be able to update more often. Comment, favourite, follow - Ellie xoxo c:

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