Traduire   12 années depuis

Ode To Ode to those with a heart of gold Ode to those both young and old Ode to those who are fighting in war This is what god made us for Ode to those who have broken hearts Ode to those who have fallen apart Ode to those who help the sick and dying Because without them we'd all be crying Ode to those who capture the moment Ode to those who memorise the scent Ode to those with mind and heart And ode to those who had a clean start Ode to Oppus with its beauty of words Ode to the soaring and flying of birds As we watch and marvel in the worlds vast glory Forget both the vulgar and gory Ode to the world, the heavens, our #life Our brother, sister, husband or wife Ode to the universe so interesting and bold Ode to the hot and ode to the cold Ode to technology, to windows and mac Ode to my mother for making me a snack Ode to this generation and 2013 Because I see what has never been seen. -Dedicated to Beth, 26/09/1994 to 19/02/2013, May she rest in peace.

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