Translate   12 years ago

Blog #3 Hey there again guys! It's Thursday today, sorry that I didn't get a blog out yesterday, I was really busy with revision and stuff. It sucked, and to be honest, it still does! D : Anyway, today is the same as any other day really, sitting there listening to Hat Chat and writing this, and then later I have to do one maths and a science test as revision. It's not exactly the most fun and exciting half-term really... So I was walking my dog about 5-10 minutes ago, and the field was really wet, whether from rain or just dew I don't know, but of course I stupidly decided to walk through the middle of it... *facepalm* Then I looked at my jeans and was like *facepalm...* (again) because they were all wet and there was some mud on the bottom of them. Thank goodness that Mum wasn't there to see that. So now they're in the wash, and to be quite frank, if I could put them in there, my boots would be too. I think that's it for now, so... I need a question for you to answer... What's your favourite kind of pie? Just answer in the comments. Mine is probably apple. *teehee* : ) Ok, that's all for today, make sure to answer the question, and I will see you guys tomorrow! Byez!

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