Chapter 1 It was one warm night it was the night of the graduation. Amy, Chris, David and Jessica where excited to be graduates. The four met each other their freshman year. And became friends since. Well the night of graduation was over they went to a graduation party on San Jose street. During the party the four got to talking and heard of a mysterious gold mine in the grand canyon. Amy Castle was content about the journey but Jessica Snyder was having second thought on this whole mystery at the the grand canyon. Jessica was worried they might get stranded. And get lost or car trouble on the way up to the canyon. Chris Miles and David Myers, said in a sober voice let's go get the gold. Jessica Snyder said ok now where is this gold at. David and Chris said together buffalo back bone. The girls gasp. Jessica replies, well I sure am not going. Amy Castle replies to Jessica Snyder what are you chicken. Come on Jessica let's go on this quest to the canyon. David's hummer ,we leave first thing in the morning. Chris replied. The very next morning four arose at Four a.m and got on the road. Jessica and Amy still real tired wanting coffee David and Chris the front seat just a talking. Jessica and Amy says to the guy would y'all quit jawing and stop for coffee. Chris and David are at whits end, about this adventure. Ok girls were stopping. So they pull in at the gas station and was greeted by Wahnachi a Navaho Indian hiya. They where like who cares they where just going to get the gas, and went tot the restroom and got coffee. And when they got back to the hummer. Their was the Navaho Indian named Wahnachi waiting for them. He tells David and Chris that trouble is going to happen. And that they where in grave danger, and that they should go back home. David said to Chris don't believe this Indian. Chris said I ain't I'm just listen to what he's saying. Finally the girls came out after pampering themselves and buying snacks and drinks for the trip. Ok back on the road David, Chris,Amy and Jessica where excited about the trip their taking. David said to the others I sure hope we don't see that Indian guy again, he sure did give me the creeps. All of the sudden they all heard a pop. David say's oh great now what. With Jessica and Amy panicking, Chris and David said ok calm down girls we got it all handled. So the guy got out started fixing the flat. David ask Chris to grab the other tire from in the back, Chris replies to David what tire their isn't one. David said hold up a sec no tire what the heck someone stole my spare great that just great, were in between Phoenix and Flagstaff with out a spare. Now what? And out the blue here comes this guy with a spare. In the spare of the moment said David get it spare of the moment. The stranger wasn't taking it. and gives David the evil eye. Ok sorry dude. Ah I'm just yanking your chain the stranger laughed. Not knowing who he was. Chris said what's your name strange. Oh my name is Brett, Brett Young. It was my pleasure helping y'all Four out. Oh by the way where are the four of y'all going. Oh were going to do some sight seeing at the Grand Canyon, replied David. Brett said wow well y'all have a good trip be safe. And then in flash he was gone. Chris says to David are we done can we go now and get back on the road. Chris said to the both of the girls, ok we are about an hour and a half to two hours away from Williams. Thats our first destination. Ok said both girls were gonna catch on some sleep wake us up when we get their. Two hours went by and made it to Williams, wake up girls were here. They asked ok who's buying the hotel rooms. Chris had replied I'll pay a night. Ok they arrived at the motel around Five in the afternoon. The girls had their room and the guy had theirs, once settled in they went to the Sultana Bar off route 66. There they where shooting pool buying 2 rounds of beer, until this big guy comes in. Big Billy bad Wayne Real name is Billy Wayne from Prescott. Billy Wayne said brings you four this way, the guys David we are here for a tour of the Grand Canyon. Chris said We are searching for missing treasure that's all. Billy Wayne laughs in a loud voice David clinching his fist. Chris said David don't do it we can't bail you out of jail. Chris replies to Billy Wayne would you like a beer or shoot some eight ball. Billy said sure I'll play you a game. Chris said to Billy you break, Billy brakes hits a solid in. He shoots again scratches. Chris said nice shot, Billy replies the darn stick is warped. Chris just fell down laughing, Chris says it ain't the pool stick it's the shooter. So Chris is up to shoot. With David, jessica and Amy cheering him on. So he went up to his shot and hits the cue ball right off the Table. Chris replied, i need another drink Amy Replied like you need a drink. Chris said to Amy i can't play sober. So he went up to the bar tender get me a coors. So he gets his coors and goes back playing pool. And after drinking he went on and shot a stripe made it in. And then he shot another striped ball in. One ball after the other and Chris ended up winning the pool game. Billy Wayne gasped and suddenly Replied to Chris you hustled me man and Billy all of a sudden brakes the stick over man you are good Chris how did you learn to shoot pool. Chris Replied my father, he had tought me ever since i where five. And Billy Asked Chris ould it ok i go with yall to the canyon. And they are all puzzled so Amy, David, and Jessica Decided that Billy culd come along with them.

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