Sinful Death (continued) We think we know how we are going to die. I always thought you seen this light at the end of a tunnel and went to heaven. I guess that's how things happen in a normal world though but, of course I wouldn't live in a normal world. I live in a world where there are zombies. Yes, zombies, but the difference between these and those you see on tv is these are worse. Always making these loud screeching noises and they run so fast and when they jump, it's like a damn kangaroo! According to Wes, they aren't zombies they are demons. I somewhat agree...Somewhat. These demons though are very dumb much like the classic tv zombie. I was just laying there, staring up at the sky and watching the stars. It was peaceful surprisingly. Wes climbed to the roof and sat by me. "Why are you out here? It's not safe." "Always worrying about me." I shook my head and sat up. Wes sighed, "It's my job to protect you." I kissed his cheek and got up grabbing my belt and two hand guns. "You comin?" I walked towards the edge of the roof and looked down. Then I heard it, I faint scream. I looked over at Wes with fear and I felt my heart pounding hard through my chest. "Uh.....Wes." I said shaking. I quickly strapped on my belt and ran to the small tarp cover I made. I grab Wes closely while he pushed me further into the corner. "Stay calm babygirl. Shhhh." He whispered softly but I could tell he was scared too. He was shaking and breathing hard. He loaded his 22 and poked his head out looking around. Then we heard a loud scream closer and twigs breaking under feet. I grabbed Him and jerked him back and put my hand over his mouth. Then everything went silent. My breathing was heavy but I didn't realize it until Wes nudged me with his arm. Wes crawled out and looked around. Suddenly a demon jumped out screaming and jumped on him. Wes was kicking and yelling, "Run Kitty! Get out of here!" I quickly crawled out and took his gun and shot the damn thing in the head. It fell limp and Wes pushed him off, looking up at me with disappointment. "I told you to run." I helped him up, "Did it bite you?" He popped his neck and took his gun away from me. "No. It didn't, I'm fine." I went to my bag and took a match out. I pushed the zombie thing off the roof with my foot and dropped the lit match on it. I watched as it burned. Wes walked behind me. "Thank you....." He was hesitant and sounded angry. I turned facing him. "I wasn't going to let you die. You're all that I have." He pulled me close, "Kitty you don't need to be the hero. Next time when I say run you better book it." I nodded but he knew I wasn't going to let that happen. Not again. I walked away to the tarp and took it down, folding it and putting it in Wes' backpack. "We need to move, if that one found us then there must be more around somewhere." Wes nodded and took his bag and I grabbed mine. I looked down at the burning corpse then jumped off the roof. Wes jumped down next and looked over at me. "Hey turn around I gotta pee." I laughed and turned around. "Alright you can turn back around." I turned around and looked at the body. "Seriously? You peed on the fire?" Wes laughed and walked on, I quickly followed. We usually traveled during the day. The zombie things were rarely seen during the day and during the night Wes would have me make a small shelter in brush or on the roof of an abandon home, while he would go hunt for something small to eat. "Wes I'm tired...and hungry." "Stop complaining woman." He kept walking. I stopped a threw a stick at him. "I'm hungry. I'm tired. We are stopping here." I waited for his answer. He walked to me and grabbed my arm. "Kitty if you do not move your ass I'll leave you here." I gave him the meanest stare I could. "We both know you wont leave me. I'm tired, I'm hungry and I know you are too. So dammit we are stopping here!" Wes threw his backpack down and walked off, "I'm going hunting. Make fucking camp." I rolled my eyes and got to work. I dug through Wes' backpack getting the tarp out and two bungee cords. I found a few branches and jammed them into the ground and draped the tarp over them and pulled the corners down tight with the bungee cords. The frame work was done. I found some leaves and moss and covered the outside of the small shelter. Then I just sat there waiting. Wes normally took an hour or so to catch something. He was a natural at hunting. It seemed like hours past. I just laid there in the makeshift shelter I made and strained my ears listening for any sign of Wes or the living dead. I guess I eventually drifted off to sleep because I woke up to the sound of Wes sharpening his knife and the smell of a very small fire. I crawled to him and sat on my knees in from on him. "Kitty, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking about your well being." He put his knife away and poked the fire with a stick. I just nodded. I didn't know what else to do. He then stabbed the squirrel he caught and put it over the fire to cook. I moved closer to him. "Wes?" I said a little shaken. I was trying so hard not to cry but the tears were burning my eyes. He looked at me, "Whats wrong?" "I can't go on like this Wes." I got the last words out and lost it completely. I kept crying and breathing hard. Wes pulled me close and rocked me in his arms. "Baby girl you gotta hold on. I'm always here baby girl please don't give up on me. Please baby girl I love you so much." He started crying too. I kept crying and pulling him closer and closer. "I miss Gavin." Wes pushed me back and look at me, tears still streaming down his face. "I know baby girl I do too." He sat there and took the squirrel he was cooking and broke it in half. "Eat." He handed me my half of the meat. He ate quickly and stomped out the fire. I finished eating and crawled to the little shelter. I laid down on my jacket and pulled a small blanket over me. Wes came in soon after and pulled me close. "We will find him baby girl." He sighed. It wasn't long before he was asleep. I just laid there thinking about Gavin. Gavin was my three year old little brother. Our father left his mother for dead and when I found Gavin with my father they weren't doing good. That's why Wes and I traveled a lot instead of setting up a permanent camp. Wes promised me we would search for Gavin, take him away from my father and then set up a permanent home somewhere safe. I finally wore myself out thinking so hard and shut the front flap on the shelter and fell asleep. Morning came quickly. My eyes fluttered open and I turned around to face Wes, but he wasn't there. My heart started pounding and I ran out of the tent. I looked around frantically. Wes started laughing, walking towards me holding two dead squirrels and a rabbit. "Calm down baby girl, I just went hunting." I sighed in relief. "You scared me."

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