Ch. 1 New Girl Chapter one~ New Girl The hallways of Katashi High School were so bleak that I felt as if, I was strolling through a prison. Every person that passed was not a friend nor an enemy but simply a just another person. I could sense people were staring at my vibrant red hair as I got my way around the kids. Then I finally arrived to my designated classroom. Standing at the door, I went to grab the handle then paused. Thoughts of running away crossed my mind, just running somewhere. My reddish brown eyes went blank as I myself imagined being free and alone, all I had to do was run. Suddenly I heard a calming Voice "Um, Miss Keiro sorry to bother you but the professor would like you to come in." I snapped out of my day dream and slowly followed The Gentle Looking Fellow Inside. The professor's eyes lifted, then he stood tall, with a smile and motioned for me to come to the front of the class. I shuffled my feet towards the professor and then turned to the class. "Hello class, we have a new student! Her name is Erika Keiro, everyone please give her a warm welcome." The professor gave a lightening chuckle and shook my hand. "Alrighty we need a person to be Miss Keiro's helper around the school, hmm." The professor looks around a bit, then stares at a boy in the far back. The boy had a blissful expression but looked like he is in his own world. I Tense Up, my eyes flash side to side examining new faces. "Finn..." The boy in the back glances up with excitement filling his eyes. " U- uh yes professor?" I shoot a look over to the guy, realizing it's the same boy who asked me to enter the classroom. The professor crossed his arms. "Ah yes Erika, why don't you take a seat next to Finn and he can show you around for the day." I nod then stroll over to the back and plopped into the desk next to Finn. The peculiar teenager turned to face me and gave a gentle grin. He then took my hand and announced "Hello Miss Keiro, I'm Finn Izanagi." Then we suddenly locked eyes and I couldn't help but smirk. His big eyes were a shimmering hazel like color. He also had dirty blonde hair that He Kept swiped across his fore head. It's been awhile since I showed Glee, but this time it seemed right. I then swallowed, my voice was soft "You know, you don't have to go through the trouble of pulling me around everywhere today, I'm quite alright." Finn's face looked puzzled. "Oh no, no it's my pleasure to help you." He insisted. The class started To stir. Some girls glared at me and started to bicker. "She can't steal our precious Finn, he's our prince we adore him!" Another girl started. "The most attractive and charming man in school and he is stuck with a weird new girl!" I Squint at the Girls, Only to hear them say Finn and new girl. I look at Finn then At the ground, wondering if me and this boy will get to know each other. The day is half way over and I'm still following Finn like a lost puppy. It's already lunch, and I'm starving. As I walk besides Finn he adjusts his glasses as we continue are way. He glances at me then my hair. He suddenly spits out "Is it natural? I- I mean your hair, no offense." Staring up at him, then I sigh. "Indeed it is, I'm a red head." He pauses then gaily Smiles wide. "Whelp it's quite Lovely." My cheeks get rosy, then I stammer "T - thank you." Finally entering the cafeteria, I stare up at Finn. He looks Around, steps back scanning the large room. "Ah yes! Ollie!" He suddenly grabs my arm. He brings me over to a small desolate table with one Guy. The boy stares at me, pushes his Black hair out of his crystal blue eyes, then lets out a small smile. Finn jumps with excitement "Erika this is my best friend Oliver." Oliver stood and walked over and put his arm around me. I started getting Flustered then He said. "Hey dude I guess your our friend now?" Really did he just say that? Wow I guess I really have found some friends. I think my #life is about to get real interesting.

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