übersetzen   12 Jahre

That's Me Chapter 1 "BANG" the door shut behind me rapidly. Shoot, mums gonna kill me! I ran up the stairs trying to be quite, I miserably failed. Mum walked out of her bedroom, her arms crossed and her face all scrunched up. "What are you doing?!" She asked me, I looked up at her disappointed. "I didn't realise the time. I'm really sorry I won't do it again". She looked at me still with the scary witch look on her face. "Sorry isn't going to help you in this situation, if I were you I would get into bed now!" Mum shouted, my brother max came running out of his room "oh my gosh! You just woke me up!" He said as if we all thought he was asleep. "Give me your ds max" mum asked, holding her tight hand out to him. He pulled the ds out from behind his back and went running back into his room shouting that he was asleep. So that's my #life, sounds interesting dosnt it? Noooooooo. That night was the best night in the world though,,.... Apart from being grounded ...... Getting my phone take away from me. ........ No money for a month ........... No party's ......... No seeing friends after school... Okay what the heck! This was probably the worst day ever but screw all that crap; let's think back to before that. Margie asked me to her house that night, apparently all her friends were comming and lots of boys. Okay so imagine me as some Sado little loner who hasn't kissed a boy and seeing my face after hearing that come out of her mouth. Margie this was seriously not the right time to be telling me boys are comming along to our meant to be girlie night. She knows I'm going through stuff at the moment and me being a total depressing Moner. Oh we'll, it's margie and come on, what boys would she invite maybe like..... Snotty Stephen or something (that sounds so cheesy). So I turn up at this party, looking as glamourous as possible. (Wearing a dress from my mums wardrobe; think its and primarni purchase and my new pair of stilettos also from primarni).

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