çevirmek   12 yıllar önce

A Christmas Parody Twas the night before Christmas There was silence throughout Not a whisper was heard, Or a murmer, or shout When out of the silence Came a piercing sound A whinny and Ho-No Santa had hit the ground His sled doubled over His reindeer let fly Scattered into the distance, Leaving Santa, to die 'Twas at that one moment That Johnny awoke And out of his window Saw fire and smoke He donned his night gown His shoes and a hat And saw lying on the road Somerhing red. Something fat. He asked 'you okay?' Santa managed a groan Johny spoke with a sigh: 'I guess I'll take you home' He helped Santa back home Johny told him his name But Santa had to make A big insurance claim With a sled on it's way Both relaxed and were calm They talked of their lives When Johnny thought, with alarm 'A sled with no reindeers Could surely not fly?' 'I'll see about that' Was santa's only reply He blew on a whistle Which did not make a sound But soon we heard the rumble Of feet on the ground And all 7 reindeer Returned hard and fast, and not 5 minutes later A lorry drove past The lorry was large And behind it's large doors There sat a new slay For old Santa Claus. Santa stared in delight, Tied his deer to his slay, He salvaged his sack And could soon be on his way But just before leaving As thanks to kind John, Santa plucked from his sack A present that Johny could open at dawn Then with no time to lose His new slay took flight 'Merry Christmas' he said 'And to all a good night!'

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