100 Things......that Make Me Happy 1. Taking Pictures. 2. Dining Out. 3. Driving......a form of therapy for me. 4. Reading.....both magazines and books. 5. Watching television. 6. Listening to music. 7. Of recent.....writing on Opuss 8. Jazz Music. 9. Playing dress up. 10. Ray Charles. 11. Sleeping. 12. Being a shoulder to lean on,for anybody. 13. Singing. 14. Hearing an amazing song for the first time. 15. Decorating. 16. Cooking. 18. Being alone.....preferably in an open space,or in my room with my lights off. 19. Being with friends....sometimes. 20. Vintage shopping. 21. Blog hopping. 22. Louis Armstrong. 23. Puppies. 24. Giving Advice. 25. Showers. 26. Friends,Sex and the City,Prison Break,Greys Anatomy,Sons of Anarchy. 27. Comedy Shows 28. Cute Boys. 29. Michael Buble. 30. Oxford Street in London. 31. Bollywood Movies. 32. Hamid Tahir. 33. Fifty Shades of Grey,Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed.....in short......Christian Grey. 34. All Sidney Sheldon novels. 35. Jamie Cullum.....of recent. 36. My bee-hived goddess......Amy Winehouse. 37. The Manchester tram 38. MediaCityUk 39. Winter 40. Kisses...lingering kisses. 41. Night time.

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