Translate   11 years ago

Why Me The bell rings. My heart sinks. Home time for me. I slowly walk home. Before getting there I make sure to look my best. One bad thing and your done. I enter the house that once was happy. It's walls are covered in cracks and chips. I sneak up to the attic were I sleep. I'm laying on the old blanket on the floor when he calls. "You came home and didn't say hello, we'll that's not fair! Come down here!" I'm in for it now. I descend the ladder carefully. But he's already there. Frantically shaking the ladder he tries to throw me off. He succeeds and I fall down. Once I'm on the floor he kicks me so that I fly down our wooden stair case. I land on the floor with a whimper. Rule number one never show pain. He sneers down at me. Then starts kicking my head. He's been beating me up for three years. My parents died. So now I live here. No one cares about me. I slowly drift into unconsciousness when I wake up I am an his room. I am naked. He is on top of me. This is new. He's never done this. I try to buck him of but he is to strong. That's when I notice the knife at his side. He slices across my collar bone. Then stabs at my stomach. One. Two. Three. Four. Five times. I'm in so much pain. All he does is rapes me over and over again. Finally I pass out. He doesn't stop. Even whilst I'm unconsciousness. When I finally feel him stop. I open my eyes. He stabs me once more than throws me out of his room. I land with a fud on the landing. I'm too exhausted to move but I have to. I don't know how but I make it to my room. That is where I will end my #life last thought is of my parents then I cry out to the world. "WHY ME!"

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