The House With Mirrors Part:2 I still herd her woes over and over again. I was terrified and when I opened my eyes she was gone. But all I herd was her woes and all I saw was her face. The blue eyes and the black filthy hair. Her black lips and the dark rings around her eyes. But what did she mean with that it's ready? Who? The house? Or is it someone in the house that's ready? The only way to now is to find the house. But we're could it be. How long will it takes to find the house and is the way safe? I new that it was in the woods but were did only need do walk or did I need help, well haha, nobody listens to me here only the girl but she didn't really listening to me either. She was only talking to me. I stared at the people in the city for a long time. I shouted and screamed out were the house were but nobody listen. And then I Thad that maybe nobody never listen to me I maybe only Thad they did.

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