Translate   11 years ago

For Jade. (3) It's been two days and I haven't had any contact with Nicole or jade and I normally do. The thrill of having school and actually seeing them there... Yes!! "How was Friday?" Liam asked smiling, he knew. "Embarrassing." I sigh fixing my bag pack, He pats my back shaking his head, If he somehow found out most people I hang round with would of... Great. ... I walk into maths both jade and Nicole sat together making borking faces, "Stop Nicole... Please" jade shook her arms not coping what Nicole was saying as she laughed, "He nuzzles his chin in your neck as he whispers 'rock me'" both laughed hard, what are they talking about?! I sat their next to Niall and Josh, they both was in their own conversation as I was in deep thought, normally Nicole and jade would smile as I walked in and we would have an inside joke.. But none. They knew about it. And I don't think they took it very well. "Niall are you coming to town with us?" Nicole turned around giving a light smile to Niall and josh, but not me. "Erm I think am going with Harry..." I give an effortlessly smile as she gives me a look then turns around, what have I actually done? I couldn't help but like them ... Both. And the fact that I can't decide who I liked got be angry and frustrated. "Harry.... Harry!!" I come back to reality, "we've got science.." I nod following Niall and josh behind, Jade looks at me not giving me any emotion then Nicole catches my eye quickly turning to jade given her a scared look, I've ruined everything. ... "Nicole... Did you know we've been moved around?" I had to say something to her just to see if her conversation was the same, "Yeah..." "We've been moved around so we don't sit near each other or anyone close" "That's good because I get to do my work... And I've got a good seat" 'Do my work' that was the first time I've heard her say anything like that, everything was lies... "Just keep walking Louis!" She shouted pushing Louis forward laughing with Katie, Nicole's POV. Seriously. Can't Harry realise that I don't want to talk to him? Knowing he likes me hasn't sunken in yet. And it's horrible to think he thinks of me like that. I dislike most his actions, his bad habits and thinking he's 'perfect' he always has something to say about anyone and most aren't nice, I have realised what he is. He's a prick. Yes I felt sorry for him sometimes but he deserves some of it, I've never heard someone who is so tooth faced like him and hopefully I won't ever again. "Do you want a drink?" I look up to see Harry having eye contact I look quickly somewhere else, I can't let him think I like him to. "Oh yeah spotty toe" I look over to Harry, is he serious he called a nice girl a 'spotty toe' he's not perfect himself. He's spottier the girl. "I'm going home..." I look up to sophia waving to everyone before she left, "Let me come with you" I pleaded pulling her jacket, "Sure?" I followed her as I shouted bye, I couldn't cope being in the same room as him again. Jades POV. No. Why. Why did Nicole leave me. Ever since she left Harry has kept looking at me, everything I do I see him look, does itching my nose keep him occupied? "Oh he's hot" I look down at Ellen's phone, we both nod agreeing with the thought, "Do you find everyone hot?" Harry chuckled, Obviously not as I don't like you. "No." I say coldly his smile drops as he looked to the ground in shame, what does he think I am. A slut?

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