100 Things #100things 1. Reading. I especially love physical books rather than an electronic book. The smell and feel of books for me are actually what keep me reading for longer periods of time. 2. Photography 3. Listening to classical music. And opera. And baroque. And I could go on explaining why I love each one, but that would take forever (maybe I'll write an opuss for that...). 4. Logic puzzles 5. MENSA puzzles (I don't have a nearly high enough IQ to be considered a MENSA person, but I try to do their puzzles for fun even though I can't figure them out 90% of the time) 6. Poetry, especially reading and analyzing famous #poems 7. Philosophising (I know that's not an actual word, but I do think it should be...). 8. Thinking 9. Playing piano 10. Watching my favorite TV shows, like Touch 11. Reading the work written by the talented people here on Opuss 12. Origami, especially three-dimensional modular origami 13. Laying down in grass and watching the sky (and photographing that) 14. Sanitizing my hands and making other people sanitize their hands 15. Digging tunnels when the snow is high enough and laying down inside them 16. Visiting historic sites and graveyards 17. Collecting things, like interesting pebbles I find while gardening 18. Sorting random things, like the pebbles I collect, and classical CD's 19. Gardening in the summer 20. Harvesting my fruits and vegetables from my garden 21. Hiking 22. Cycling in a quiet place for many kilometers and hours on end. 23. Ultimate Frisbee!!! 24. Getting into the heads of fictional characters in books to try to see precisely what they're thinking 25. Being kind of a geek/nerd, making up a random joke while having a conversation, being the only one laughing, looking at everyone else's confused look and laugh again. Then watching as people smile even though they don't get what's so funny, and finally explaining my joke. That last moment when people actually understand me and laugh along is always the best. I'm known to be a bit weird once one gets to know me in person. 26. Learning and speaking in Spanish. I've been learning Spanish for literally more than two thirds of my #life and I've enjoyed every minute of it! I really hope to be fluent soon. 27. Writing in Dwarvish, Elvish, and Uruk runes. Again, I'm kind of a nerd. I have memorized Dwarvish (at least one of the forms) and I'm working on teaching myself various forms of the other languages as well. These languages are from The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, etc. by Tolkien. By the way, my profile picture is the first part of Tolkien's Misty Mountains Cold #poem written in Dwarvish Runes 28. Performing the occasional card trick. I sometimes like to teach myself and present seemingly complex tricks and seeing the amazed look on people's faces. I never tell them how I do it though! 29. Watching magic tricks. The never cease to amaze me unless I know how the trick works, or the magician is terrible and completely (but unintentionally) gives the entire trick away in front of a large audience. I've seen it happen before. 30. Making soap from scratch. I did this for a school project last year and it was amazing! 31. Drinking tea. My perfect cup is Irish breakfast, steeped for at least ten minutes, no sugar, honey, or sweetener, and occasionally I like a splash of milk. That's all for now. I'll gradually be adding to this whenever I think of something

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