Translate   11 years ago

For Jade. (2) "Go away. Stop.... Stop looking at me!!" Nicole shouted to Louis they had a weird friendship, they would always argue but it was for laughs, I was quite jealous on what they had because they would always laugh at each other. Nicole only laughs when I fall over or tell something really funny, Louis always made people laugh on the simplest things, he's just... Awkward. "I hate you" jade snapped fixing her hair while Zayn laughed, Zayn was a ladys man and everything he done was unnoticed like for example Zayn would purposely fall onto jade's boobs, but jade would just shake it off, He was quite a creep. The awkward eye contacts I had with both girls was unusual, I've never told anyone who I liked, only Louis. "Let's play spin the bottle!" Amy sang as she throws a bottle my way, she was quite violent... I nod and spin the bottle it landed on Niall and sophia, it was really awkward between them both, they've always liked each other but both didn't have the courage, "Kiss or kiss on the cheek?" Katie giggles leaning on Louis, Both looked embarrassed, how amusing. Sophia walked up giving him a quick peck on the cheek and we restarted the spinning, "Let's change it to whoever it lands on you have to kiss them." The devilish look in Amy's eyes looked over to the girls, they all nodded and giggled, Amy spins the bottle... ... ... Me ... ... Nicole. Nicole... I had to kiss her, by the look on Katie's face and Amy's they were giggling to Nicole, she must know as by the looks of it from the corner of my eye she's tensed. I feel my face burn up. "No..." I mumbled trying to act like it wasn't a big deal I've turned her down. I don't want her to think I like her, by the looks of things she knows. Nicole gives out a sigh mixed with a laugh, both jade and Nicole sat next to each other made me nervous, they're sharing secrets and then giggling, was they talking about me? The bottle span again landing on jade... Then me. Once again the room became awkward... Why. I quickly looked over at the girls who was sat their quietly while the rest of the room was smirking, "Am going to.. Get a drink" Jade raced out as Nicole followed, "Yeah.. Me too..." Nicole mumbles, My head hits the wall in shame, this was the most awkwardest night I've ever had.

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