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How To Never Be Bored Again Hello everyone! It has been a while since I've written anything; I haven't had many ideas lately, but I have some for #poems and a part two of my story. In the meantime, I thought it would be interesting to challenge my fellow Opussians at a game called, "How to never be bored again". Basically, what you do is list all of the things that you like to do - they can be anything, from something incredibly small to something so large it takes days to complete. They can also be things that you prefer do alone or with a group of people. However, the only rule is that you have to have done those things prior to writing them down. So my challenge for anyone who wants to participate is to list 100 or more things, and tag it to #100things so we can see what we all wrote down. Maybe from this game we'll find others who share common interests. Or maybe some ideas may act as an inspiration for a story or poetry. There won't be a winner for this. It's all for fun! Also, don't worry if you can't come up with 100 things in one sitting. Feel free to take your time and add on to it whenever something comes to mind. You're welcome to go over 100 things if you come up with that many items. Have fun! I hope you all enjoy!

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