Tradurre   12 anni fa

Devils Cry Oh, how he vexes me, promises of love, happiness, fertility, virtue, riches beyond my belief. How could I have been so blinded by my own love for him? Though, I can not complain. He was a good, good man, he truly was! But, the demonic beast inside him was untamed, restless, and off its chain. He arrived at the church during a New Years celebration. I, thankfully, found him before every one else did. But, I did not know he would leave such an impact on my heart, his darkness luring me to him. ~•1•~ The morning was at its peak, the sun the brightest and high in the sky. My eyes were still sucked into the dream, the dream I've had ever since I was a small girl. Darkness, chasing me, through a dark moonlit forest. My eyes saw red blood everywhere. The trees limbs drew closer and closer to me, as I tried to gasp for air. Then, I fell, into the deep cold mud. I arose from the dirt bed and, as I turned my head, a demonic, shaded figure smiled maniacly at me, his eyes blazing with murder, blood lust. Suddenly, it's ugly blackened hands wrapped around my neck gently, then squeezed hard. Then, I awaken with a jolt everytime. I looked around the room as I woke up. I sigh deeply, still tired from lack of sleep. A knock came upon my door. "Come in," I said groggily. One of the nuns from downstairs came in, Sister Mary Ann I believe. "Good morning, Carissa." "Good Morning." Mary Ann smiled sweetly as she looked around. "It's kind of empty..., haven't you unpacked?" "I'm too lazy... It's just my fourth week here...," I replied. I'm an orphan. I lost my parents because they were murdered in a house fire. I've been living on my own ever since, but, I stumbled upon this church and stayed. Though, nothing really changed. I still felt so alone, so empty. But, I disregard my emotions and seal them away. But, no matter. Mary Ann had obtained a dress from my closet, my casual dress. "We need to get you some new clothes, dear..." As I disgard my pajamas, an shrug on my dress, I reply, "I'm fine with this one, Mary Ann. But thank you for being concerned for me." Mary Ann smiled and walked toward to the door. "Breakfast will be served shortly, so please don't dilly dally," she said and shut the door. I smiled and grabbed my hair brush from my nearby vanity. I had very long brown hair, and soft hazel eyes that, when caught in the suns rays, turn a beautiful golden color. I ran the brush through my hair steadily, being aware of many tangles. Then, I grabbed my soft sky blue ribbon, and tied it in my hair, half up and half down style. I gazed at myself in the mirror. I still had baby fat on my stomach, which made me feel insecure about my weight and figure. But, take what you can get. Then, as I was satisfied, I went and grasped the door handle, and opened it, walking into the world. "Good morning Carissa!" "Good morning!" Everyone greeted me kindly, as I walked down the hall to the breakfast hall. I smiled sweetly at them all, happy to see other smiling faces. Suddenly, a heavenly aroma caught my senses. "Mmm.... Pastries...," I said to myself, my tummy rumbling. I could taste the sweet frosting, the tart strawberry jam filling, the flakey, warm cooked baked bread. I then, proceeded to flow into the breakfast hall, happily going on a whim, and a delicious one at that. And there they were, on the dining table, the steam coming off it in beautiful swirls. I stared at it for a while, mesmerized by their beauty. Then, on an impulse, I reached for one, so close. Closer now. I could practically taste the flavor spreading through my mouth, my taste buds bouncing with sweet joy. Suddenly, I felt pain spread through my hand. Sister Griselda, the cook, had smacked my hand with a deathly weapon, used for pests only, and for me, her wooden spoon. "On time just as always, Miss Carissa," she said, a defiant sneer playing across her lips. Oh how this woman loved to separate me and my precious food. I glared up at her. "Why do you always do this, Griselda?" "Because." "Because why?" "BECAUSE I CAN NOW GET YOUR BUTT OUTSIDE AND WAIT LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!" Didnt have to tell me twice... I was out of there in a spilt second. Everyone's eyes were wide and I slammed the door behind me, finally getting away from that demon of a woman. "Are you alright, Miss Carissa?" "Yes..., more or less." Mary Ann came up from behind and laughed at me. "Griselda hit you again?" I glared at her, my eyes darkened by the sadness of my 'no-pastry' status. And yet, she kept on laughing, like a jolly school girl all giddy! How dare she...?!?! In my time of pain! Then, to my suprise, the doors opened, revealing Griselda and her biggest, sweetest smile. Where she gained it from, I will never know. But, she was a sweet woman in her own way, and showed it through her cooking. We all filed into the breakfast hall, where the table was filled with amazing tasting food, the holy grail of breakfasts! Oh sweet Jesus this was it... The breakfast of the gods! There was omletts, fluffy pancakes, cinnamon rolls, flaky waffles, and the most beautiful bacon I've ever laid my eyes on! Everyone was impressed with Griselda's work, including me. As soon as everyone sat down in their seats, the head Nun came in with the preist. The head nuns name was Sister Susan, an old woman with the most kindest heart. She is the one who found me and took care of me for the short time I've been here. I loved her dearly. The preist, however, is a bitter old man who wanted to throw me out, because I was a sin to the church and a danger. But, all I do know is that his parents were killed in a fire too, and has been tainted ever since, with no one to take care of him for the longest time. I could relate, so, I went easy on him, I didn't want to hurt his heart which has already been in so much pain. "Let us dine finely this morning, thanks to Griselda. And now, the morning prayer," Susan looked over us all, searching for a volunteer. Her eyes were always so gentle, yet so far off into her memories, "Carissa, how about you?" "Huh? Oh, me," I asked, hesitantly. "Yes, you." "O-Ok...," I began, "Dear Heavenly Father we... Uh..., thank you for our.... Delicious food and... The people, and the places we have, such as the libraries, the schools, the bars, the clubs-" "That is enough, Carissa," Susan stopped me, with a gentle smile of satisfaction, "You did well." I bowed my head in embarrassment, the heat rising to my cheeks. "Now, everyone dig in!" Don't mind if I do, I thought as I happily gathered food onto my plate. So much good food...! The flavors melted into my tongue, my taste buds thanking the Gods for this wonderful taste of fireworks. "Mmm....," I heard myself moan. Then, before you knew it, breakfast had ended. "Hey, Carissa," said Mary Ann. "What are you going to where to the New Years party tomorrow?" Oh! I totally forgot. "Well...," I looked down at my dress," I guess I'll just wear this." Mary Ann looked at me in shock. "No!" I was shocked by her sudden outburst. "We are getting you a dress this evening, whether you like it or you don't!" "Ok, ok, ok! Fine!" Well, little did I know... That New Years party would change my #life, forever.

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