Translate   11 years ago

To John Doe Dear John, I am fully aware that this may not be your name, but I had nothing else to call you. I don't know your name. In fact, if I think rationally, I'd say I don't know you at all, and it is possible too, that you don't know me as well. So whether you remember it or not, I want to thank you. Three years ago, I dreamed about you for three nights in a row. Your face was always blurred and if you're asking how I came to know that it was you, well, it always feels like you. I know, it doesn't make sense. The people who will read this may think I have gone a bit crazy. But I don't care. See, in those three dreams, I never forgot you. I never forgot that you saved my #life three times. So thank you. But wait, I'm not only thanking you for saving me in my dreams. I am thanking you for making my #life more interesting. Three years ago, my #life is a blank canvas and as much as I try to put color in it, it just remains blank. You don't know this, but, the morning I woke up from my first dream of you, I felt like a kid on Christmas morning. You and pretty much, your existence in my mind, made me feel like I had a special secret to keep, like I was someone unique, someone different. The first dream, I was drowning and you saved me. The second dream, I was captured but then you freed me. And the last dream, I was hurt and you took care of me. I will never forget. You wore green most of the times. And I can't see your face or your eyes but I felt their warmth. The moment you were near, there was static. Yes, it seems cliché, but how else would I be able to describe it? Now granted, I am not meaning to portray you as a knight in shining armor, because even though I would love them to still exist, they don't anymore. So it's either you're just someone who has a brave heart or someone who only exists in my mind. It will be very sad for me to know that you live only within the walls of my imagination. My wish every night is that you aren't. I wish you were real, alive, breathing, and of course, human. I wish I could see you, see the color of your eyes, your face. You. I wish you existed. I wish one day, we'd bump into each other, and smile, and soon realize that we seem to have met before, perhaps in a dream. I wish you had the same dream as mine. I wish you were looking for me as well. However, if you did not exist, then maybe, just maybe, in some alternate universe, you'd read this and begin to think of me. You may or may not be John, and you may or may not exist. Still, I thank you. -Jane Doe

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