WASBORN.avi It was a normal night. I was on the Internet as usual and was getting ridiculously bored of watching the annoying orange. So I did what I always did when I was bored. I searched for porn. Porn hub came up so I had a bit of a wank-adoo over a few big titted blondes and a redhead with a nipple piercing. After finishing up I felt thoroughly satisfied and went to switch my computer off so I could go to bed. Just as I was about to press the power button a video caught my eye. It was first in the suggestions and was called 'WASBORN.avi'. It wasn't the name that had caught my attention though. It was the thumbnail. It was of a needle filled with a yellow liquid (that almost looked like piss) being pushed into someone's skin. I assumed it was a fetish video and pressed the power button. The computer screen flickered but stayed on. I pressed it again. Nothing. The screen stayed alight. I sighed and hit the side if the monitor. It was an old computer but it had never refused to turn off before. As I pondered the problem my eyes once again wandered to that video. I took hold of the mouse and clicked the weird thumbnail. If was computer was going to be a douche I might as well of watched one more video. It loaded up and I pressed play. Here's a summary of what I saw. The video started in a dark hallway. The footage was grainy and I swear the camera had something smeared across it. The person holding the camera seemed to have a twitch or a shaky hand. After five seconds of facing down the hall, they began to walk. They must have been drunk or something because they stumbled quite a lot. They reached a door and you could see their hand (adorned in a white glove) turning the knob. They entered the room and stumbled towards a bed near a wall. It was pitch dark so it was hard to see but you could just make out someone lying on the bed. It seemed to be a naked woman with her hands and feet tied to the bed posts. The camera man/woman began to get closer to her, making it easier to make her out. They closed up on her face. She looked like a teenager, maybe 16- 17 and had messy short hair. She gazed straight into the camera, smiling. Her eyes glowed and fluttered. After about ten seconds of her face she nodded and the camera shakily began moving. It slowly moved down her body. First to her neck then her shoulders. Then to her bare, rather underdeveloped chest. The camera lingered here. Her small nipples were erect and hard. The gloved hand come into shot and caressed one of her breasts, first massaging the squeezing. Then they rubbed their thumb over her nipple as she giggled with excitement. They took their hand away and continued down her body. She had a cute little stomach and an 'outie' belly button. The camera moved down wards to reveal her pussy. It was clean shaven and wet with white liquid. The hand come into view again and, with a finger, scooped up some of the liquid. The hand stayed in sight as the camera progressed to the top if her legs. They smeared the liquid on her skin and stepped away from the bed, revealing her full body once again. She was still smiling as the camera was placed on a table on the other side of the room. Here, you got your first glimpse of the camera man. He was a tall, stocky man wearing what looked like an anorak. He kept his back to the camera and stumbled over the the bed. The girl said something about this being weird and he shushed her. Her smile slipped and she asked what was wrong. He didn't answer and took hold of one off her legs. He fumbled in his pocket and took out what looked like some sort of needle. He took off the cap with his teeth and slowly injected her while she began to scream. "YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T DO THIS AGAIN!" She screamed and tried to thrash her leg. But of course, it was firmly tired to the bed post. The needle was pulled out and tossed on the floor. The man walked/stumbled to the wall and switched on a light. The room was drenched in light and every thing was clear to see. He sat on a chair against the wall and crossed his arms while the girl sobbed uncontrollably. In the light, you could see the man looked like he was probably in his 40s and obviously a peadophile. Why else would he have a naked teenager tied up on a bed? He sat and she sobbed for about 2 minuets until her sobbing died down to a throaty, exhausted whimper. The man got up and sat on the edge of the bed. "Sing" he grunted in a rough voice. She continued whimpering. "FUCKING SING" he suddenly shouted, thumping her leg. She screamed and began singing 'silent night' in between sniffs and gulps. "There's a good little girl. Come on now, don't cry" he chuckled. He began to sing along in a raspy, very unpleasant voice. They sang for about 5 minutes until she passed out, mid song. The mans singing trailed off and he got up and untied her legs. They flopped down onto the bed and he spread them so one was hanging over the edge and one was propped against the wall. He climbed up onto the bed and sat at the end, I front of her exposed pussy. He reached out and began to caress it, running his hand up and down her outer lips. With a squelchy wet sound he pushed a finger inside and began fingering her. He started slow but got faster and faster until her body was being thrust too and fro on the bed. He eventually slowed down and removed his fingers. He licked them and wiped them across his cheek. Then he began mounting her thighs. You could see his cock getting hard in his tattered jeans as he grinded against her, rubbing her tits as he did so. You could hear him breathing heavily and grunting with pleasure. After a minuet or so he stopped and began undoing his trousers. He pulled them down to reveal his rock hard cock. It was quite big and was throbbing as he took it in his left hand. He began jerking off while looking straight at the girls #lifeless face. He groaned as he got faster and faster, stroking his cock as he mumbled "fuck yeah" over and over. Without even ejaculating, he stopped and leaned down to rest his head between the girls breasts. He grunted and breathed rapidly as he ran his hands through her tufty hair. He brought his head to hers and viciously kissed her lips, thrusting his tongue in her mouth as she just lay there. He parted they're lips and sat up again, his cock resting on her stomach. He shuffled down the bed and took hold of his cock, leaning forward and inserting it into her pussy. He began slowly thrusting into her and got faster and faster until he was crying out with pleasure. She simply lay there, convulsing with every thrust. The camera suddenly shut off. There was still a couple of minuets left of the video though. After 30 seconds the camera came back on. The girl was sitting in front of it with tears in her eyes. She was still naked and the man was standing behind her with his hand on her shoulder. "Say it" She sniffed and wiped a tear from her eye. "I don't want to!" "SAY IT RIGHT NOW YOU FUCKING CUNT!" He pushed her head into the table hard and a crack could be heard. He slowly pulled her back up by her hair. Her nose had been broken and blood was running down her face. She looked faint and terrified as the man brought a knife to her neck . "Say it my little flower" he said calmly, still holding her hair. She gulped and whispered, through blood stained lips: "Jesus loves me. Because the bible tells me so". The knife was dragged across her neck, instantly killing her. The video cuts to black and text shows up. 'Stay close to God. For only he can protect'...

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