#life Is... Sorry its been months!!! I've been very busy with homework and stuff sorry xx Chapter 4 "Soooooo" I said one afternoon while we were waiting outside the classroom. " you ok then?" "Yeah I guess" Harry seemed preoccupied today but that didn't matter, he would wake up when I told him about Ellie, because today was the day. After two weeks of becoming better friends with him this was the day that I would tell him. Ellie would kill me. I had found out that being single was not to Harry's liking so I thought this would go well. I took a deep breath "Right so Ellie has always fancied you and shed kill me if she knew I was saying this to you but she wants to go out with you but didn't ask you because you were already going out with someone bugs he likes you and might ask you out maybe" well I hoped he had understood that, I kind of speed talked all of that...... He was speechless for a minute but then his eyes seemed to light up. "Really?!, are you sure" he almost squeaked at me Relived he had understood me I replied "yep" and walked into class before I was shouted at for being late leaving Harry on his own outside. All through the lesson he sat silent and staring so when the teacher asked him what cross stitch was he jumped and almost fell off his chair! I felt a bit guilty for dropping this on him so suddenly, but it was for the best. After the lesson I started walking towards the car park, Harry ran to catch up with me and was silent for a while. "How long has she.......liked me for?" He asked suddenly. "A while" a said trying to keep the simple of my face. He was interested! That's it for now I'll try to post again soon! Xx

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