Translate   11 years ago

Whispers I sit in the dark, moonlight streaming through my window. I hear the creaking of floorboards, but I know I'm alone in this house. It always happens when I'm alone. The voices start and the whispers come at me like Mosquitos. I close my eyes and try to get the whispers out of my head, but I'm surrounded. I'm drowning in whispers. I hear my name over and over again, and feel the breath of whoever's saying it. I shut my eyes and pull the covers over my head, like a little girl hiding from a monster. But this monster I've lived with my entire #life. I shut my eyes tight and pray. Pray for all of this to go away. I hear the whispers coming closer, I can't breathe. I gasp for air, hands clutched to my neck. A single tear falls down my cheek, and the wind comes through my open window. All of the sudden, I can breathe again. I let out a scream and then slink down my wall, listening to the silence. I sit there awake for hours, and then finally drift back to sleep.

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