The Bench. In the park, a few blocks from the shopping centre, and a few blocks from the library, was a bench. It was a very old, worn down bench. Passerby's didn't believe the bench was worthy of their time, infact, the bench was only used when a dog (or drunkard) felt the need to urinate. In its prime, the bench was loved. Just after it was placed in the park, it became a place for complaining children to sit, or an elderly woman to regain her breath. After a few years, the children grew up, the elderly passed on. The bench was worn down. Rotted, broken, ugly, unloved. Then one day, a tired young girl took a seat there. Over time, the bench became her favourite place to sit. To think, to read, to write, to cry. She would often skip school and meals to sit there. It was peaceful and it was quiet. Eventually, a young man passed the bench. He found beauty in it, believed there was a story to be heard about the bench; but the bench was not the only thing he noticed. There was a girl there. They became friends. It wasn't easy, not at all. She was closed off, he was shy. But somehow, he got through to her. And they met up, at places that weren't the bench. They became best friends; and decided to fix the bench. Each day they would do something to make it look more beautiful. The bench wasn't ugly anymore. It wasn't broken. It wasn't unloved. At first, the bench was ugly and people didn't want to be seen with it, it was broken. The bench was an eyesore, it wasn't a pleasant fixture in anyone's #life, if anything, people wanted it gone. It had many stories behind it, many friendships had been formed and broken with the benches help, but people only wanted what the bench had to offer for them, not what people could do to help it. They left marks of their stay, sure, but they made sure it wasn't the same bench. It was beautiful, it had heart wrenching, yet beautiful stories behind it. Soon, but only with the help of the boy, the bench became beautiful on the outside and people realized. They found the bench and they loved it. They respected the bench. They wanted the bench. The girl, she decided, was like the bench. They fixed the bench together, and people realized it was beautiful. He fixed the girl, and she realized that she was beautiful too.

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