Traducciones   12 años

#life's The Control It's just a shame how #life decides to implement its rules on you. How no matter what you try you cannot escape its hold and therefore are obligated to live within its rules. That moment when #life has its strong hold on you that you cannot escape. A really strong one that even by death, it's impossible to eliminate. It's there. #life. You like it or not. It's not what you like. It's what IT wants it to be. And sometimes it's just that you really are a hell of unhappy without the thing that #life is keeping you away from. Something that is so close and so near although crazy out of reach. I'm talking about the moment when you meet what turns on the light to that little room where your heart is kept, illuminating it and its surroundings. And then something creeps In and cuts off the electricity. Leaving you in the dark with nothing but silence and hurt.

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