Tradurre   12 anni fa

Green means danger - part 5 Viridi woke up with a start. Cold sweat mixing with tears. flashes came back to her, images of thirty odd men bursting from the trees around her house. Flash, flash, flash. And then the last image graced her mind. A foot-long pole with a deadly spike on the end, thrusting itself into her father's side. Her screams and wails pierced the air like a knife. Custos burst in. "Viridi, what's wrong?" She couldn't answer, she just hugged him to reassure herself that he was still there, still alive. The next morning was as bright as any other was in the current spring time. Viridi sat outside, a warm drink cradled in her hands. Custos came to sit beside her and muttered, "Want to talk about it?" "Sure." she answered looking at her shoes. "What was it about?" He asked. She suddenly rushed through the dream, as quick as she could. To get it over with. "About thirty men, attacking our house, and one... one of them... shot you." "It was just a dream, Viridi. Wasn't it?" "I'm not sure it just seemed so real." They sat in silence for a while, gazing out into the vast wood. then they got up and did what they normally did. Viridi hunting and Custos carving bows and arrows for himself.

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