Translate   11 years ago

Witch's Lust Chapter4 They say the first taste of the substance is always the best. ----------------------------- I ran back to my dorm and into the un-suite I had to myself. I hated the old decrepit building,where I was to stay until I was fully trained,'. When I got to the bathroom I switched the shower on and waited for it to heat up. As I did I took in my appearance. I had coffee coloured hair that went to the midway point of my back,golden eyes that were like an elaborate sun on a sun rise. Plump ripe lips perfect for kissing,a tall skinny figure and rather large breasts. A models face and excruciatingly pale skin,but it suited me. I peeled off the sticky clothing that had a red thicks substance oozing off of it,and threw them into my black washing basket. The blood from my clothes were pooling around my feet and my hair was sticky and clumpy with dry blood. I didn't look exactly attractive. I stepped into the shower and watched as the blood slid down my body and down the plug. Like a bloody rainfall.

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