Translate   11 years ago

Amy's Dream I am Amy Voilet. When I was little I was abused, this is my story. I have light red hair and medium body-build. I was thirteen when the abuse had started. My mother had died in her sleep. (I think I cried all of the time.) A year later, my father re-married a woman who’s name was Carol Golli. I told him that it was a bad idea. All my father said was,”Amy we must find you a mother.” “I don’t want another mother!” I shouted as I ran into the house. ​The next day, Carol arrived with her son Nathaniel and her daughter Tiffani. “Hello, I am Tiffani.” Tiffani replied ​“Hi, I am Amy.” I replied bleakly ​“This is my brother Nathaniel.” Tiffiani said introducing him Tiffani has long brown hair and a toothpick like figure. Nathaniel has short golden hair and a large build. I had felt left out and my father told me to perk up and smile. In three days time I had been hit, punched, and blamed to many times to count. This happened every day for every day. One year later… I have an empty feeling in my stomach and I am always feeling depressed. I always have a bruise somewhere on my body. I am thinking about how badly I want to jump my horse, Anni she is a bay with a star on her front left shoulder. “Should I run away? Or, should I be abused by my step siblings and step-mother.” I thought aloud. The next morning I awoke ten minutes before Father. I will run. I decided. I gathered my most special possessions and horse lead rope I grabbed these objects and ran out the door with 5minutes to grab Anni and leave. Its An hour later I am on the road to Wilder, Idaho. Father would not look in another state. A little wile later I stopped to water Anni and write in my diary. (I wrote the following paragraph in cursive.) ​ ​9/29/2011 ​ I have been through too much to put up with my snobby siblings and parents any longer. I’ve decided to run away. (Witch I’ve already done.) Anni is with me to keep me company ‘till I find a job that I can take her with me on. Got to go before the hunters see me alone, it is hunting season after all. ​I put my things in my bag hoping no one would find me before I left. I heard a hound from behind me and the hunter was closer. I jumped on Anni and galloped off towards the forest and Wilder. The hunter and dog chased me ‘till I jumped over a tall fence. I stopped Anni and we caught our breath. I was amazed to think about the jump that we cleared together. Anni is a natural jumper but I never knew she could do that. ​The next day I arrived in Wilder and stopped near an ally. “I think that I need to get a job to buy food for us and a place to sleep.” I replied Anni nickered in agreement and rubbed her head on my chest. I grabbed my hat and sat on a corner. Then, I started to sing a song I wrote. (The song is written below.) 'The wind might roll-on toward me but I will stand. A fire can burn all it wants but I will not burn me. The water will flow and I will flow as well. The earth will be tough and I will tougher. I will not be shaken. I am stronger and faster than any one in my way.' That day I earned $5.50 for my song to be sung aloud. Just when I started to leave I caught the sight of a businessman coming toward me wile waving his arm. I stopped and waited for the businessman and stood there ready to ask for a job. When he finally reached me I saw a case in his hand and a newspaper in the other. Then the man asked, “What is your name Miss.” If I tell him my real name he would take me back to my father and false family. “My name is Amy Bridle. “ I replied in stead. ​“All right Miss Bridle, are you in need of a job? “The man replied ​“Yes, sir I do need a job.” I replied “There is a job for you at the jump grounds. It is only a mile away from here. I want you to sing for our tourists, maybe even jump.” ​“Thank you sir thank you very much.” ​ ​I rode Anni to the grounds and looked for the employer that gave out the job to the people who ask and he or she approve of. ​“Excuse me I am here for the opening in your jump grounds and a place my horse, Anni.” I replied A man stood up and said, “Place your horse in the coral and come back to see if we could employ you. Once I put Anni away I set out to look for the man told me what to do. “Sir, could you tell me if I am horse enough to work here?” I asked “We shall.” The man replied ​As it turned out I got the job! I started the next morn. I worked hard and got promoted. I am now the head stable hand. The manager said we could ride in some compactions including junior jumping! I asked him if I may jump and he replied, “Yes.” I got the supplies I need and set out to work. As I said before, Anni is a natural jumper. I am ready now to sign in and ride. Running had helped in my training for the big jumps. All of a sudden I heard a familiar voice say,” Miss I want to ride a beautiful black horse and make it snappy.” Replied the familiar voice ​Tiffani. “Yes, mam I will prepare a horse for you and your ego will straiten out. Or else.” I replied sweetly. ​Just then Tiffini saw my face and said, “Amy, it’s you!” “Yes. It’s me how are you Tiff?” I asked her struggling not to run off. “Great! Daddy is here to.” ”Keep me a secret K? I want to surprise everyone at home.”, I didn't tell her why I really left though. She would have gone and told her mother. ​ “K, K.” Tiffini said and ran off to wait Today is the big day; I will show –off my jumping skills. I am number 35 and the 1st to jump. The speaker called my name and Anni’s as we rode out Saying,” our first jumper Miss Amy Bridle on Anni Bay Jumper.” The crowd shouted, cheered, and clapped for Anni and I as we rode up to the First jump and went into a canter. We soared over the fence with two feet to spare and did the same with the next 4 fences. When we came up to the 5th fence I took off a stride to early, but we barley cleared it! We finished in first place and as I grabbed the trophy another familiar voice called me, ” Amy.”The voice shouted. It was my father! I turned Anni around and sure enough he was running toward me I dismounted and walked up to him. Then I said, “I’m so sorry father, I didn’t want to hide from you. I wanted to jump with Anni and not be constantly teased and hurt physically by everyone at home, so I ran away.” “It’s Ok darling you were right when you ran from us, we were wrong to do all of that to you. We’re very sorry.” My father replied his black hair in his face and his eyes full of worry and shame. ​Then we all left for home to be a family for the first time. And that is my story. I am Amy Violet and I am a championship jumper. And I am home at last. ​THE END

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