Translate   11 years ago

White Scar White Scar This is the story of White scar. She is an amazing woman that can use her amazing agility to save lives and stop crime in the city of Scareah. The story began when she was 5 years old. Little red headed Diana Bayless and her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bayless were walking home from a family reunion when Dania heard a snap. She grabbed her mother’s coat and said, “Mammy I think that I heard something.” And her mother said in a soothing tone” It is alright honey.” Just then, a man came out of the bushes and pointed a gun at Diana’s mother and one at her father. Then the man said, "Give your money and no one gets hurt.” “But we don’t have any money sir.” Diaia said This was true but the man did not think so. And the man shot her mother and father. “Noooooo!” Diana screamed as the shots rang out through the park The man aimed at Diana and pulled the trigger. The bullet hit her arm and she screamed in pain. For some unknown reason he arm healed instantly, leaving a long, narrow white scar. Without knowing it Diana kicked her attacker and ran for her #life. 10 years later… "Diana you were on fire back there. You have the agility that a cat does. You have to tell me your secret." Mary-Anne Rogers said to Diana "No secret. I do my best." Diana said "Then you are special. You can put on a mask and say you're a super hero." Mary-Anne said The two of them laughed and turned right heading to school. "Ya. And Auster can talk. That idea is crazy." "Auster or the superhero thing?" "Both. If I had powers I would be in a lab being tested on." "Just think about it. A cute spandex outfit, a mask, and fighting." "Fine. I'll be a super hero if you ask a geek out." 2weeks later... "You asked who out!!!" Diana shouted "Alexander Damian. The top of the geek squad. Mask up miss." Marry-Anne said "Fine. But you're helping me." Diana said Diana tried on many possible costumes and finally found one Marry-Anne and she agreed on. A black turtleneck sweater, black skin tight pants, white mask, white gloves, white belt holding her father's pistol, white thigh high boots, and a quiver holding her bow and arrows. The shirt had a hole where her scar was, though they didn't mind. "First day will be the hardest D. Be careful." Marry-Anne said,"Go get them girl." Diana jumped out the 2 story window and took to the alleys. She soon began pursuing a chase downtown. She jumped on top of the speeder's car and smashed the window. The driver swerved about he road and crashed into he guardrail on their left. Diana jumped out of the way just beforehand of the impact. She pulled the man out and tied him to the guardrail. As the cops neared she ran out of sight. The next day Mary-Anne called and told her to turn the T.V on. On every channel the breaking news was on. The top story was her! "A woman in black and white had stopped a dangerous criminal from escaping the cops just yesterday. The man said that she had the agility of a cat and a white scar on her fore arm." The news anchor was saying "White Scar is a cool name." Mary-Anne said "Sure. I guess I'm White Scar. Has a ring to it." Diana said As the years went by Diana helped crime waves stop before they turned into huge threats. 5 years later... “But I need this job Mr. Toothman.” Diana said “And I need a new tractor. I must be imagining you since you never do your work.” Mr. Toothman said Diana had started working as an employee for Mr. Toothman month ago and did do work for him but, his lazy son took all of the credit. “Fine, have fun trying to replace me! Diana said and stomped off Meanwhile… ”Ah-haw “a criminal replied Opening a safe “I wouldn’t do that if I was you.” Dainia replied in a purring tone. She could have taken them out then but, ‘What fun is there in that?’ she thought to herself. “Give me your best shot criminal.” She replied flinging herself at the first criminal. “Shoot her!” another criminal shouted They all started to shoot at her but failed. She took the criminals to prison and went home. ​A day later… “That is all sir. Every criminal here for the past hour.” Dainia said “Thank you Ms. Scar.” the sheriff said “What about my horse?” Dainia asked “In the barn, stall number135” the sheriff replied Little did Dainia know it was a trap to get her and her horse, Auster, killed. “Hey boy, how are you doing big guy?” she asked Auster Just then she heard a siren from a cop car and said, "Time to go back to work Auster.” When they arrived there was too many people to see what was happening but, she could hear everything the sheriff was saying,” She will be here soon sir.” Diana saw the man that had killed her parents talking to the sheriff. Her eyes flashed red in anger. The sheriff came out and Diana stepped in front of him. Then she asked,” What is wrong with you sheriff that man is the one causing the crime waves he is doing all of the crime in the city instead of the dirt-bags or are you blind? He is guilty of murder.” “I am not sure what you're talking about Ms. Scar. This is Daniel Sherman, my brother." The sheriff said “The reason you hired me was that I could beat you in a fight and same went for all of the dirt-bags in the city.” She said “And I signed a contract saying so. Now hand him over. That man killed two Amish adults." she then punched the murder in the nose. He seemed to shimmer like he was a reflection on the water. The sheriff gasp as the man took his real form, the one she had seen. Then she dragged him away. The sheriff gave her the information she needed about the case. After that she went in-to the building. Her heels and Auster's hooves clicked on the concrete floor as they walked. Just then Diana heard a sound from the other side of the room and rose her gun up. “Freeze!” she shouted to the figure on the other side of the room the figure said,” Who are you?” “I am White scar, a part-time police officer. Who are you?” " I am Mr. Escobar. I own this building.” He said She took a step toward Mr. Escobar and heard a clunking sound and jumped 5 feet in the air. The noise was now a sound of shouting and gun-fire. Then she saw another dozen or so figures. She was being ambushed. Diana knew what to do. She had to create a distraction. She jumped again and clambered into the duct above her head. A minute later she was in another room near a doorway. The men were looking up at the raptors looking for her. Diana ran lightly into the room and attacked. Soon she had all of the criminals accept one, the person who had organized this meeting. “Come out and fights like a man!” White Scar shouted “All right missy. I’ll fight.” A man’s voice said and the voice sounded like Mr. Toothman’s son. “What’s the matter? Afraid to fight a farmer?” he said “Nee I am not afraid to fight I want to help you. I know you have been drinking.” She said “Well to bad. I don’t want to stop. In fact, I want more alcohol.” He replied “You do not know how it tears you apart. Do you?’ she said,“The alcohol can kill you if you have too much of it.” Then he kicked her in the stomach and nocked her over. Diana hit her head and fell unconsciousness. When she awoke she was tied to a chair facing a horrible sight; Auster was in cage with seven other people. “Let them go!” Diana screamed “ No, I can't do that." said Charlie Tooth-man “Please, let the hostages and my horse go.” She said “and I will stay” “Alright, since you insist.” he said “I will let them go out. But only if you stay.” “I will stay.” She said He kept his word and she kept hers. The hostages were safe and that was what mattered to her. A few hours later, when Charlie turned she unleashed a plan. She used her claw like nails to snap the twine and jumped up onto a support beam and crawled to where Charlie was and jumped down. “What the…” Charlie said as she descended upon him. Diana hit him and they went tumbling head over heels. They ran into a propane tank and Charlie dropped the cigar he had been holding. Then, flames started leaping at them. Diana threw Charlie out the window just before a support beam came down. Diana was soon unconscious in a circle of flames. When she awoke she heard a shouting sound and opened her eye. She was out side of the fire she had caused and there was another person beside her. It was a young man, burnt but alive. A man in a white suit came to her side and shouted, " She is alive!” and a wave of happiness went through the crowd. The day was saved and the worst was that she had a broken leg, a first degree burn, and a concussion. That is the story of White scar.

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