übersetzen   11 Jahre

Burning World I've looked around once or twice, At this world of ours, And can't believe the stigma we place, And who society bars. We bar the fat, the rich, the poor, With morals of our own, And impart all our own religions, On everyone we know. Christianity fights to keep out gays, From marrying in their church, And extremists blow up buildings, And put their "God" first. Men with guns shoot kids in schools, Why? We'll never know, The raped and killed by gangs of men, Their case is overthrown. Pedophiles are free to roam, And kidnap our boys and girls, Men with weapons, batter the old, Just to take their pearls. With all this hate and all our faults, This world is crashing down, God left us long ago, to burn, Without a frown.

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