The Shadow of Slenderman Redux Nick was in the library in his school reading a book. He heard his name mentioned and giggling from some random girls in his class. He didn't know who they were and didn't particularly want to. He looked outside and saw a man standing there. The man was wearing a suit and was very tall and rather thin. He squinted trying to look at this guy more clearly when something hit his head. He looked at it. It was a ball of paper. He didn't have to look to see who threw it. It was the girls from his class. Nick picked the paper up and binned it. He walked downstairs to find his friend Terry. "Hey, Terry, I was in the library and I saw this weird guy… He was tall and rather thin. Have you ever seen or heard of anything like that?" Terry thought for a second. "No. But you should try and spot him again. See what he does, if anything." The bell rang for 5th period. "We're in English. Let's go." Nick said to Terry after the bell stopped. Terry then followed Nick to their classroom. "Nick, what did he look like?" Terry asked. "He was wearing a suit. That's all I noticed." Nick answered. "Hmm, sounds familiar. Probably not, though. You still coming over tonight?" Terry asked. "Yeah. Same time?" Nick answered. "Yeah. Knock twice. I'll know it's you." Terry responded. After school, Nick went home and left his stuff, he booted up his laptop and asked one of his other friends, Stuart, if he knew of a tall, slim man wearing a suit. Stuart said there was an urban legend of a creature called "The Slender Man" and that it is known to drive people insane and stalk them. Nick thanked Stuart for the info and packed some stuff. He was walking to Terry's house and he felt like there was someone watching him. He stopped and looked around. There was nothing there. "Damn… I can't let what Stuart said get to me." Nick said to himself. He knocked twice at the door and waited. The door opened and Terry was standing there. "What's up?" Terry asked as he motioned for Nick to come in. "Nothin' much. I asked Stuart about something and it kind of freaked me out." Nick responded as he took his shoes and jacket off in the hallway. "What did he say?" Nick inhaled then exhaled rather sharply. "Remember that guy I saw?" Terry nodded. "I asked Stuart about it and he said there was an urban legend. It's called The Slender Man. It's been known to stalk people and drive them insane. I looked him up after that and… it… it has no face." Nick said. Terry was shocked. "You mind if I see this page?" Terry asked. "Sure. Let me get it up." Nick answered. He got his laptop out and they walked upstairs to Terry's room. Nick plugged it in and booted it up. He typed "Slender Man" into Google. He clicked the first page that came up. "Here." Nick said as he stood up. He got his phone out. "Sorry, I need to call someone." As he stepped out the room. He dialled up his girlfriend, Lucy's number. "Hey, how's it going?" Nick said as he gazed out the window. "Quite good. Are you with Terry?" Lucy asked as Nick wondered how she knew that. "Yeah. Why?" He asked. He saw something out the window and walked closer to see better. That is when he saw it. The Slender Man. "I was just wondering. Also, you always end up going to his house on a Wednesday. At this time. "Damn, am I really that predictable?" Nick thought to himself. "I just called to see how you were doing." Nick panicked a bit and stifled a yelp. "What's wrong?" Lucy asked, obviously hearing it. "Oh, nothing. I thought I saw something outside and jumped." Nick then started to walk to Terry's room and felt really sick to his stomach. "I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." Nick then hung up and walked into Terry's room. "What've you found out?" Terry looked disturbed. "I read through some other things about this… creature and he mainly resides in or near forests. I don't think it's a good idea to go hunt it. It'd be too fuckin' freaky." Terry added. "Yeah. You're right. I saw it outside in the area with a fair bit of trees. It was freaky. To say the least, I'm not going to be able to sleep well." Nick said. He charged his phone and talked with Terry. Mainly about schoolwork and other things. At about midnight, Nick packed his stuff up and walked home. He walked quickly and didn't stop. He saw the forest and was tempted to go in. "What's the worst that could happen?" Nick asked himself as he walked into the forest. He pulled out his phone and opened the flashlight app on it. "I can't turn back now." He walked in and looked around. The flashlight flickered for a second before returning to normal. "What the hell?" Nick asked as he kept walking. He looked around and saw something. He looked back. "What the hell is going on!?" He ran away and fell to the ground. It took him a few seconds to stand up. He slowly walked on and saw a wall and leaned against it. He fell to the ground and passed out. When he got up, he ran to the exit and saw something out if the corner of his eye. He turned to look and he fell over. He looked up and saw The Slender Man. He passed out and did not wake up.

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