Translate   11 years ago

All I Ever Wanted (Chapter Six) ~Beck's POV~ I woke up to the sound of whispering downstairs so I sat halfway up the stairs and listened... "Max I really like her." "I know you do. But you can't take advantage of her like that she's only been here one day, and you never know if she likes you back." I couldn't make out all the words but they were clear enough to listen to. "I know but...I just, I dunno, I can't control my feeling Max!" "I know but shut up you'll wake her up, and just ask her out if you like her THAT much, I'm sure she'll say yes Nath." "Ok, thanks man." I saw Nathan walk back into the living room and Tom, Jay and Siva sneaked up behind me. "Boo!" "God don't do that!" I held a hand to my heart, "you almost killed me guys, seriously, don't!" They laughed as I walked downstairs and plopped next to Nathan on the sofa. "Hey Nath, or Mr.Morning hair." I smirked and he ruffled my hair. "MRS.Morning hair!" He smirked and I ruffled his hair. He lay his arm around me and I smiled nestling into his chest and listened to his heart beat. "You two would make an adorable couple!" Max stated taking a picture of us and tweeting it; @NathanTheWanted and @BeckyObey #cutestcouple "Thanks Max..." Nathan stated slowly pulling me closer to him. "Well me and the boys are going out you coming Nath?" "Naa to cold." "Okay then...USE PROTECTION!" Max screamed as he and the other boys walked out of the door, that statement made me blush a little and Nathan chuckle slightly.

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