Translate   11 years ago

Leaving... My hair blows wildly in the wind. The bright red curls forming an uncontrollable crows nest on my head. My backpack rattles and rumbles as I sprint through the forest. I've been running for an hour. I can't go back. For a start she hates me. After my mother died three years ago, my father remarried. My stepmother, Cynthia, always mistreats me when my father isn't around. That's why I chose to leave. Well, that and the fact they wanted to send me to a boarding school. Everything has to be about her. She's so vain and self-obsessed. "Oh no! My nail broke!" Or "I have an appointment at the hairdresser for my weekly hair bleach." She does my head in! It's never about me. I love when my father comes home from work. That's the only time she's nice to me. When he's away, she beats me and screams at me for no good reason. That's why I'm here. I've found a safe spot on the carpet of pine needles and I lay out my waterproof coat. Hunger has got the best of me and I have to open my box of crackers. I daren't open the cheese slices yet though. They're too precious. I had arranged to meet Gabbie here, to run with her. She can't deal with school. It ruins her. That's why she left. Why she's on her way here with me. "Stella?" Her voice is loud and clear not the wind has turned to a gentle breeze. "Gabbie!" I reply. "I'm here! Just follow the sound of my voice!" She stumbles carelessly to my clearing and sits down beside me. "Stella I have something to admit." My face hardens. "I told Jack. He's devastated. He said he can't let you leave and he'll find you no matter how long it takes. I also had to tell Max. I couldn't let one know without telling the other..." She trails off, waiting for my response. I sit in silence for a while before I manage to get the words out of my mouth. "So there's now gonna be four of us out here. Alone. They better have plenty of supplies. I don't have enough to share and I'm sure you don't either." "Stella I'm sorry. And anyway, this is Jack and Max. They don't get very far without food so I'm sure they'll have loads." "I'm fine with them. I just don't want that annoying sister of his. Jessie. Your boyfriend's sister who fancies mine." She is the worst thing that ever happened to my #life. I hate her. She hates me. "Stella? Gabbie?" The heavy tread, even on the soft pine needles is unmistakable. Jack runs and grabs me in his arms, swinging me round in circles making me sick. I giggle like a little child and then beg him to put me down. I struggle to keep myself up. "I thought you'd already be too far away to find. I thought I'd never see you again!" He's almost crying. I don't know the reason but I am too. I guess I'm just so happy to see them again. All of them. And then my day is spoiled. Jessie trips over a root as she storms over to the clearing. She was clearly watching the whole thing. "What's she doing here?" I ask Jack. My voice has taken on a stern tone and it takes him by surprise. "She wouldn't leave us. She said she couldn't let her brother go without her and that she wouldn't leave me." I sigh. I would mind if it was Tanna, or Ari, but Jessie? No. We can't stand the sight of each other. Mainly because I'm dating Jack and she likes him. A lot. She's always trying I eat on his good side and be nice to him. I hate that. He doesn't acknowledge her anyway though so it doesn't matter. We start to walk along a muddy track through the trees, occasionally tripping on a protruding root or being smacked in the face by a tree branch blocking the path. Although my legs pain, I keep up the pace, taking he lead and hopefully directing everyone the right way.

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