Translate   11 years ago

Assassins Creed Meany years from now, was a young child who loved to play. His village was deep within the woods (small you could say.) Huge wooden walls protecting the area; incase they were ever under attack. This didn't worry the boy -to young to think about it perhaps- he would travel through the trees and bushes, looking for a great place to play. One day, he was out playing hide and seek, with friends. "Who ever gets the short stick is it," spoke one boy. Conner dashed away to hide, a perfect place he thought to him self. Listing, he heard a noise... Suddenly, connor got torn out of the bush and slammed agents the tree. "Where, is your village boy!" The mysterious man screamed. "Down the hill," replied Connor shaking. Lunching Connor on to the floor, the men made there way to the village. Later on that day, Connor arrived to his village, just burning ashes and body's remained. He darted to he's hut; unluckily finding his mother dead. "I WILL GET YOU!" Cried Connor "I swear you will die," came out striate after.

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