Tradurre   11 anni fa

Hello Again Hey followers (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ I abandoned this app again - i keep doing that and generally i'm annoyed at myself for it. I am, like a lot of the time incredibly busy - but there's the February holidays starting this weekend so i'll try get something worthwhile posted. Right now i'm writing an essay due for tomorrow since i'm behind on schoolwork after being off for a week and a day with the flu - which sucked majorly. I really don't know if i should continue that story thing down there or what people might want me to put up so feel free to suggest anything or what not. Sorry for leaving again .-. But i'm back at least for a bit And it's most likely that i will leave every so often because i lose track of everything that happens here - my news goes at a rate of about 1 post or repost every 15 minutes And i really cannot keep up with that, with the time i spend on this app so i do miss a lot of posts. If you want me to look at anything in particular then tell me. If you were bothered to read all that

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