Dumped We were all alone, Rebecca and I, do I ever hate my stepsister! But at the moment she's all I have... "Come on!!!" I called back to her, it takes her a while but she comes, stumbling and gasping, the bright colour in her big rosy cheeks, infecting the rest of her skin, the pink was spreading, eating away at any of the pale white sheet once covering her face, "Oh.My.Goodness!" I screamed "Rebecca! Lie down! You'll catch some kind of virus!" But for once, in her eleven year old #life, she listened, She sat down and gestured for me to carry on. We were here, at the dump! I tried to crawl down the ditch, But my T-shirt was stuck on a large nail buried into the rock, I gasped as I tried to scramble to my feet, "AHH!!!" I missed! I was slipping down the edge, struggling and screaming! Surprised, Rebecca sat up and leapt to her feet, "BREE!!!!!!!" She cried tears sprinkling from her delicate eyelids as she tried to haul me up to the ground she was standing on, but her hand slipped and I ended up as a heap in the mud! I was hurt "ouch!" I rubbed my bruise, but that didn't matter, I peered around the piles and piles of junk, it was hard to make out what was what and what wasn't with the thick brown mixture stinging my eyes. I picked up a can, dated nineteen forty , it was from world war two! I laughed, a scratchy laugh, the first laugh I've laughed in a while, but this laugh, was special, this laugh came from my heart and not my mouth, this laugh, I didn't feel forced to do... I collected some more cans, finally I had enough! I grinned up to Rebecca she smiled back, "Come on Bree you can do it!" And she was right I could do it, I could, I could make our new home! And even when Minty and dad did come back from France they'd be rid of us, just like they wanted! I had built our can Forte! "It's ready!" I secretly smiled at myself, I was pleased, pleased, with myself, and I knew mother was pleased with me too! Rebecca climbed down, and hand in hand we entered our new home! "Well... it's certainly Eco friendly!" Rebecca joked, I sank down into an old bean bag I'd found buried beneath cans, and tyres and old clothes, there was no spiders in it... I hoped! That night we slept peacefully with smiles upon our faces, I woke up, and Rebecca was gone! I searched every where, until I smelt something. irresistible. Something... Was it fish? My favourite! Rebecca and I sat and ate our fish " your a good cook you know," I smiled at her, my dream had came true, but what's more is that Rebecca and I are friends...

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