Amnesia(Gamer Love Story) Tagged: @tempestrising13 @tattyteddy (Disclaimer on first) Chapter 1 I held the lantern in front of me. The light was so dim, you could barely see ten feet in front of me. I was actually scared. Me-Kiersten Towers-afraid. Felix was trailing behind me a little bit. Truthfully, I think he wanted me to go first. He was a really cool person, and if we met under better circumstances, I would've probably admitted to liking him. He didn't fail to make me laugh either. He was carrying around a gold statue that he had officially called Stephano. Apparently, Stephano was French, too. This Felix guy was strange. Very strange. Very, very strange. I sighed, squinting."It's still so dark." "Stephano will lead us in the direction of the light!" Felix-or PewDiePie is what he told me to call him-exclaimed. I looked at him strangely,"You do know that he's just a statue, right?" I asked, my brow furrowed. "I bed to differ!" A different voice said, and I looked around frantically. "What was that?!" I asked, looking all around me. "Me, you fool!" My eyes widened as I heard the voice. It was French... Felix screamed, throwing the golden statue, pretty much stomping on it in a failed attempt to break it."Stupid. Fucking. Statue!" He screamed. I had to shush him, afraid something would come from nowhere. "Shush!" I whispered. "Pick me up you fool! And, I can tell you guys why you're here." Stephano said, I had to resist from laughing. A statue? Talking? And, I found it funny Felix's reluctance to pick him up. "Why are we here?" Feliz asked, his eyes wide. I nodded in agreement. I could be doing much better things at home, like working on my science project. Wait-this was far more interesting. I would much rather be here-you know, since it's most likely a dream. "You guys are in a dream like you guys suspected." Stephano said, and I sighed in relief."Felix's dream." I furrowed my brow,"Then why am I here?" "He dreamed you." Stephano spoke, and I looked at Felix who was bluching immensley."You're his dream girl, I guess." The statue shrugged. SHRUGGED! "So, I'm not real?" I asked, confused. "No, no you're real. You just got sucked in because you're exactly what he's looking for, or atleast that's all they would tell me." Stephano glared at the cieling and cursed. Yep, I think I was now delusional."Any other questions?" "Can we still get hurt here?" Felix asked. I avoided eye contact with him. I was his dream girl? "Most deffinetly." Stephano nodded, and I groaned a little."Leave me now. Continue your journey. I shall see you soon." Felix dropped Stephano right away."Wow..." He muttered. "So, dream girl?" I raised my eyebrow. "Uh, yeah." He blushed. He looked down, blushing majorly. I smiled. "It's cool, maybe you're my dream guy." I shrugged, continuing my walk. I cast one look over my shoulder, and caught him smiling while trying to catch up with me.
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