Can You Imagine? Have you ever wonder Part of you right now May not what you remember tomorrow Don't say it's impossible It happens Some of us may experience it Today you met someone You live, you love, you laugh But then you fall asleep Can you imagine how they feel They wake up the next day And they don't even remember who they are Let alone the person they met the day before Position yourself in other's point of view What would you do if you were them? What would the people they loved do? Realizing all that was just a one-night-stand they say I am afraid to imagine that One day I wake up not remembering who I was But that is the truth Some people in this world do feel this thing They feel useless They feel guilty They feel depressed Eventhough it wasn't their mistakes It just happens We gotta be thankful for who we are right now We recall memories Even memories suck sometimes That what keep us alive That what make us feel alive So be grateful!

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