Translate   11 years ago

Interesting Book It's 12am and I can't sleep, Oh why did I start that book? I want, no, need to know what happens... Oh go on, just one more look. No! It can't be 2am already? That means i have to be up soon for uni... You see, I've got an important exam tomorrow, But this books driving me loony! Curse you unexpected plot twist! Hinting at another plot clue, Wait, I'm at the end already? And the story continues in book two!? You can't do this too me author, I can't wait that long to know! Well... I guess I could sleep, But I can't keep thinking about that foe... Was he really defeated? Or is it a huge pretend? There's just no way of knowing, Until this year comes to an end. I guess I'll have to make it up, Perhaps ill join a fanfic site, But I suppose in the meantime ill have to say... g o o d n i g h t.

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