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The #life Of Hallie:Part One the #life of hallie scene description: at lunchtime sitting at a table Emma: Hey look who it is. Lexie: It's Hallie. Kaylie: Eww They all walk up to her.... Kaylie: Hey Hallie what's on ur shirt *points to shirt* Hallie: *Hallie looks down* kaylie: *flicks up and hits her i the face* oops sorryh *Emma Kaylie and Lexie laugh then walk away* Hallie: Why don't i have any friends?? *Hallie thought to herself... she felt depressed and sad that no one loved her or liked her... she only had her family... but that's all she needed.* scene 2: In the hallway.... Kaylie: *walks up to Danny batting her eyes* Hey sweetie! Can you go get me a soda from the soda machine? Danny: Uh....sure dear anything for you. *danny walks to the commons* Emma: *walk up behind Kaylie and whispers* push hallie into the lockers! Kaylie: Okay.... distract her. Emma: make it hurt, and trust me she will be distracted Kaylie: Ok, I got this covered just go do what I told you! Emma: *walks up to hallie links arms and start acting all bestie bestie with her* Hallie: *shrugs emma's arm off* Uh hi? Can I do something for you? Emma:hey Hallie!!! so I heard you like Danny?? kaylie: *comes up behind Hallie slams her into a locker and looks down at hallie on the floor and says* funny because hes my boyfriend! Hallie: Who told you that?! I do not like Danny.... I don't even know who he is *blushes* Emma: oh save it Kaylie: Yeah, we all know you like him... so leave him alone... or you'll get my bad side. Lexie: common guys lets go before a teacher comes *motioning for them to walk down the hall with her* Kaylie: Yeah lets go before we get caught... I'd hate to explain this to the teacher... grrr she wrecked my manicure! * kaylie says furiously* Hallie: *Starts crying into her hands as she sits by a locker with a small cut on her arm* Danny: *Looks around, then sees Hallie* Oh my gosh! Hallie are you okay? Hallie: *Turns away* Yeah, I'm fine.... but your girlfriend hurt me! Danny: *Puts his hand out* Hallie: *Grabs it and stands* Thanks... I guess. Danny: Do you want me to like.... help you to the office? Your arm looks pretty bad... Hallie: No i'm fine... thanks though. Bye Danny: *Blinks fastly* Hallie wait! Hallie: *Runs down the hall towards math class* RING!! Scene 3: In the library Kaylie: Oh my gosh. Lexie, Emma did you HEAR what she did?*as she grabbed lexie, emma and pulled them back* Lexie: Uh no? What? Kaylie: Danny TALKED to her! Emma: NO way. He did not! Kaylie: Uh yeah. He did And he helped her up. Lexie: She's so dramatic sometimes... like she needs to quit it.... its just sick. Emma: kaylie what are you gonna do about what danny did? Kaylie: I'm gonna talk to him... but sooner or later it will be all good... I just can't believe he even likes her Lexie: I don't think he likes her Kaylie... Kaylie: Lexie! By the way he looks at her... it just makes sense that he likes her. Ugh I hate him and her both. Even more than I did before. Emma: Aren't YOu dating him kaylie: not for long Emma: come on kaylie don't be like that. Lexie: i'm sure it didn't mean anything kaylie: Not MEAN ANYTHING?? *stands up angry* Lexie don't be stupid he wouldn't help her up if it didn't mean anything!!!!! Emma: but danny is just naturally nice KAylie: whatever you guys aren't listening to me. *grab bag and walk away* scene 4-Kaylie's house Emma: * walk into kaylie's room shut door and sits down on bed* i'm sorry about the library Kaylie: its ok its all Lexie's fault anyway she wouldn't shut up Emmaemma shift back to the head of the bed and starts texting* oh, um, kaylie i think you should see these text from danny Kaylie: * walks over towards emma and sits down* Emma: so danny says 'Emma, tell me why kaylie cut hallies arm?' 'and how could she be so heartless hurting poor helpless hallie!' what should i say? *pull up message board* Kaylie: Ummm, say..... Emma: make up a lie?? Kaylie: YES!! perfect! say...... We saw hallie cut her arm with her pencil by accident and we went to help her but she got all mad and threw herself on the floor and began crying Emma: ok, whatever you think is going to convince him * say while texting* *ding! dong! the doorbell rang* Emma: thats my mom! Kaylie: ok see u tomorrow and we can talk about this more with Lexie. Emma: I thought you hated lexie.... Kaylie:strongly dislike I prefer. Emma: whateves text me! kaylie: *rolls eyes* bye emma... scene 5- Hallie's house Hallie: *sighs* come here tiki *lays a treat on her palm for cat* tiki: *runs over and hisses* Hallie: *drops treat and pulls hand away* sorry I forgot you hate being hand fed... tiki: *gobbles treat down and jumps up into hallies lap* Hallie: *pets tiki* tiki: *purrs softly* Hallie: *opens binder does homework* oh god tiki... I forgot to hand in my science report! *knock knock hallies mom walks in * hallies mom: hallie you have a friend she wants to talk to you for a sec Hallie: ok?....... Lexie: hey hallie i' m really sorry for before by the lockers that was all kaylie, do you forgive me? Hallie: Ummmm lexie... I forgive you... but why do you even hang out with them? All they do is yell at you... Lexie: because they would kill me if i told them what i really felt, i mean see what they did to you... imagine what they would do to me for the rest of my #life. Hallie: yeah... I see what you mean. *sigh* will you be my friend? I'm a lonely girl these days... i've got this- wait! They didn't send you over here to get "information" on me did they?! Lexie: No they don't even know i'm here they think im at my moms! Hallie: oh... well ok... sorry. Lexie: its ok i thought you would ask everyone does, they don't think i do anything by myself anymore Hallie: ok well ill see you tomorrow I gotta go bye. Lexie: ok see yah. *Walks out of Hallie's room and leaves* scene 6: Dannys HOuse Danny's Mom: Danny sweetheart, someones here for you... Danny: who is it? Danny's Mom: Reece is here to talk you about God know's what... I'll go get you guys some snacks if you want? Danny: Tell Reece to come in... Reece: Hey Danny, umm... we haven't talked in awhile so I kind of want to tell you something.... Danny: *glares* what. Reece: *shifts from foot to foot uncomfortably* Uh.... well I heard something about like... you and Hallie... Danny: Theres nothing going on between us Reece.*phone rings* hey umm, how long do you think your gonna be here 'till? because Emma is gonna come over, she said its "urgent" Reece: i don't know how long can i stay? Danny: Well... are you willing to see Emma? Reece: Um, I'll stay 'cause I still need to tell you, soooo I'll just wait until after she's gone. Danny: Whatever Reece, you want some chips and dip yo? Reece: Danny? Are we... friends now? We cool? Danny: Maybe... Yeah kinda I guess. Reece: Danny so you know how your really good friends with Emma and she has been always there for you and your always there for her *stop talking act uncomfortable * danny: Come on reece spit it out!! Reece: would you be ok if i asked her out? Danny: Whoa! You like Emma?! *Smiles and laughs* Reece: *Blushes* I think so... I like... I don't know... she's just... so nice and kind. And so beautiful and pretty. Danny: *Fake gags* whoa okay lover boy. I understand... I get your point... I don't mind and I think you have a good chance with her... but if you like... break her heart... I do not want to deal with it. So be good. *Slaps Reece hard on the back and laughs* Emma: DANNY I REALLY NEED TO TALK TO YOU!!!! *run in the room* Danny: Hi Emma *Laughs harder and elbows Reece in the side* Reece: *face turn bright red and starts to stutter* h-h-h-h-i-i-i Emma! Danny: Hahahaha! Omigod... what's up Emma? Emma: its kaylie, she thinks you like Hallie and is making CRAZY REVENGE PLANS!!*hands Danny phone* Danny: Emma listen to me when I tell you this... I don't like Hallie... she's just a friend. BUT I don't like Kaylie either... so I'm probably going to break up with her anyways... Emma: Oh... I didn't see that coming. Reece: Emma. It's obvious... Danny hates Kaylie she constantly brags and treats him like a slave... he's pretty much useless in her #life 'cause she doesn't even care about him as a boyfriend. He's like someone that does her homework for money... 'cause she's rich. Emma: Whoa Reece... that's the most you've said all day to me so far. Reece: *Turns head and looks out the window* Yeah... I guess it is. *Smiles slightly* Danny: *Laughs quietly* But Emma, Reece is right, Kaylie only loves me because she can boss me around... she really doesn't care. Emma: *nods slowly* Yeah, I guess I understand...She really just wants to get rid of hallie because she thinks shes this huge threat and she'll take away her homework doing boyfriend. * sits down on bed and takes back phone* ugg!!! kaylie wants me to go to the mall and wants me to bring danny Dannylooks confused* why me? Emma: i bet 10 bucks shes gonna break up with you Danny: when? Emma:tonight at 5:30 Danny: sorry i can't i have to go to a baseball game with my cousin Reece: I'LL GO IN DANNY'S PLACE!!! Emma back up with a surprised look on face* umm, reece...... do you have something to tell me? danny start laughing uncontrollably* Emma: ok, what's going on? Danny: COme on reece tell emma what you and me were talking about*laughs really hard* Emma: *Gives Reece death glare* Reece! Reece: *Blushes beet red* Emm em em mmm emm em uhm emma I'm kind of... Danny: *snorts* C'mon Reece, spit it out. Reece: I like you! *runs out of room and into the bathroom* Danny: *Laughs so hard his stomach starts hurting* Emma: *blushes* He does? Danny: *nods* mhmmmm.... you should give him a chance emma. Emma: *smiles and whispers* Don't worry... watch this. Danny: *laughs* Watching... Emma: *walks over to bathroom door* Hey Reece.... I would love it if you came to the mall with us... *smiles* Reece: *opens door quickly* REALLY?! Omigod! Okay! I'll get my money and we'll go *puts hands in the air* SHOPPING! Danny: *blushes* Reece... I can't believe you're my friend... Emma: *grabs Reece's arm* Lets go! Reece: *looks at Danny mouths the words* SCORE** Danny: *Covers mouth and shakes head* You are one heck of a dork. Reece: Love ya too DAnnnnnny! Scene 7: Lexie's House Lexie: Hey Hallie.... You wanna see my closet? Hallie: Omigosh.... I can't believe I'm over at Lexie Delchambre house.... this is soooo amazing! *smiles widely* Lexie: *stares at Hallie weirdly* Yeah.... *opens closet* Hallie: *gasps and looks inside* Omigod! This is like Coco Chanel and JImmy Choo mixed in one!! Eek! You've got strap sandals and dresses! How come you always go goth? Lexie: I hate half of these clothes in my can pick some stuff out if u want. Hallie: NO WAY! AND CAN I KEEP IT! Lexie: I don't care.... I told you... I hate it all. Hallie: Do Kaylie and Emma have anything close to this?! Lexie: No, they own expensive clothes... but nothing like this. Hallie: YOU are like the luckiest girl in the whole wide world we should soooo trade closets! Lexie: and you are invited to one of Emma's crazy parties, pick something out you want to wear the party starts in an hour. Hallie: Did she like just text you or what?! Lexie: Yeah, last minute notice thanks a lot Emma... I guess. Hallie: ooooo! I really wanna wear this! *grabs silver pumps and tight black dress* This is really cute! Lexie: Yeah that is... try it on and see if it fits... ummmm I don't know what to wear... you wanna pick something out for me? Hallie: *stares wide eyed* Yes! *grabs a dress* try this one on. Lexie: wouldn't be caught dead in a dress like that! Hallie: Well you own it so you better wear it... why would you have something in your closet if you didn't want to wear it? Lexie: Well... fine... I'll try it on. Hallie: Yay! Omigod! *smiles and throws dress at Lexie* Lexie: *walks into closet and smiles while closing the door* Hallie: *waits patiently and holds dress up to chest and looks in mirror* Lexie are you almost done? Lexie: Hallie... I look girly... Hallie: C'mon Lexie.... girly looks good on anyone! Lexie: Not guys... Hallie: You'r not a guy! So get your butt out here in your dress! Lexie: *walks out in gorgeous dress* noooooo this makes me look like a girl. Hallie: For the last time... you ARE a girl! Lexie: I know I just hate girly stuff... Hallie: *rolls eyes* yeah okay... I think you look good though... annnnnnnd there are matching shoes to go with it! *smiles* Lexie: *grabs shoes and grumbles* ugh. Well you need to try on your dress.... Hallie: Not until I get my hair and makeup done. Lexie: Now your talkin' Hallie: NOT deep dark makeup! I'll do it myself. Lexie: *groans* Fine. Hallie: *phone buzzs* Lexie: *leans over and peers at Hallie's phone* Who texted yah? Secret admirer? Hallie: Well...... Lexie: NO WAY! What'd they say?! Hallie: Meet me at tonights party.... I will be waiting to see you dressed so beautifully. Lexie: Eek! *pounds fists together and jumps around* I've got a mask.... we could have it be so mysterious. Hallie: You think so? *gives a small shrug* Lexie: YES! Imagine dancing with some cute boy and then he wouldn't even know your identity... it'd be a mystery. Hallie: I like it.... but it sounds confusing. Lexie: Let me work on it alright? You keep textin' lover boy and I'll make sure this flat iron heats up. *smiles and winks* Hallie: Thanks Lexie, you're a nice friend. Lexie: *Smiles* I'm glad you think that... I'm here for you Hallie... I know what it feels like to be hated. *sits on bed and lays back* Hallie: Yeah, all my #life I've wanted to be loved and beautiful... and I just.... couldn't be. Now my #life is falling into place. Like I want I too. Lexie: *nods* Yeah, I get it now... I agree. You're living the #life now. Scene 8: The mall Emma: Look at Reece, he's so cute *smiles and giggles* I really love his dreamy eyes the perfect shade of brown,adorable freckles,and those muscles are extraordinary! He can lift me and Danny both. Kaylie: *rolls eyes and snorts* Emma... Reece is not that strong, nor are his "Dreamy eyes". Emma: Yeah but they're super cute *smiles and flutters eyelashes* Kaylie: I think that I'm gonna break up with Danny... Emma: I knew it. He's just a defence device and a homework monkey to you. Kaylie: Well by the way he's been acting lately... It's like I'm not here anymore... he just.... forgot. Emma:And a homework monkey.... Kaylie: Yeah I know *smiles* but I can't have that anymore. *frowns* Emma: You can't use a guy Kaylie, that's the only reason why he's "forgetting" about you. Kaylie: *rests head on Emma's shoulder* Do you think he likes me anymore? Emma: No.... but I know that you'll find someone much better. Kaylie: *smiles* Okay, thanks Emma. Emma: *plays with Kaylie's hair* Yeah, I think that tonight you'll find someone... better. *smiles* Kaylie: What's tonight? *leans forward pulling away from Emma's hands and looking at her* Emma: Oh... a dance party. Kaylie: OMIGOD! WHERE?! *gets up and dances* Emma: Well.... my house. 60 alright? Meet me... I gotta get ready. So be ready okay? *walks towards Reece* Kaylie: Okay, thanks Emma. *sits cross legged on chair* Emma: *waves over shoulder and walks away with Reece* Scene 9: Danny's House Danny: *grabs nice tuxedo and bow tie* Danny's MOm: Awww Danny *smiles* I think your going to really impress this girl. Danny: stop mom! *he said nervously* Danny's mom:Sorry, I'm just really happy for you. Danny: its ok thanks mom I hope I impress her to *smiles and put on jacket walk-out door* Danny's Mom: Do you know who she is? Danny: Well, I know she goes to our school.... Danny's Mom: That's all? You don't even know the girl? Danny: No... not really. Danny's MOm: How did you find her number?! *says in angry tone* Danny: Mom, please stop. Reece gave me her number... he said he didn't know who she was but that I needed a date for the party, so I'm getting one. Danny's Mom: *waves goodbye and shuts door in Danny's face* Danny: *sighs and hops into Reece's dads car* Hey Reece and Emma. Reece and Emma: HEY! *hug each other* Danny: *laughs* Uh, okay hey. Did you hear the news? Reece: Did you text that random number I gave you? Emma: Who? Danny: Some girl's number, Reece gave it to me. It's going to be like a blind date except I know her... just I don't know WHO she is. Emma: That made no sense. Danny: Yeah, I know, I just really hope she's someone I'm looking for. Reece: I found who I was looking for *smiles and hugs Emma* Danny: Gross. Emma: *giggles* Hehe. Thanks I did too. Reece: *smiles* Danny... uh I just noticed you're wearing like.... fancy clothes. Emma: *laughs* You look hilarious! Danny: *shrugs* Thanks you guys. Emma how come you're in the car when you'r hosting the party? Emma: *smiles* My mom and my brother are setting it up, they told me to walk in with Reece, it's red carpet themed. Danny: Oh wow. Then I really don't look like an idiot do I Reece? Reece: Welllllllll... Danny: Dude, you're wearing the same thing. Reece: Yeah but i make this look good. Danny: I really don't care *laughs* I'm just excited to meet this girl... Emma: What if she's ugly?! wait give me your phone let me see if I have the number... danny: *hands emma the phone* Emmatake phone transfers number* Danny: *looks over at Emma* do you know her? Emma: *purse lips and shake head* no sorry i don't danny: *look suspiciously at emma* really because you have everyones number. Emma: I seriously don't know who this is... Danny: Whatever Emma. Have fun... I'm gonna go meet this girl. Emma: Have fun! *laughs* Reece: Bye Danny!!! Danny: *shakes head* Bye... Scene 10: The party Danny: *walks inside to a crowd of people and gasps at all the nice decorations and formal looking people* Stranger (boy): Dannnnnnnnay! Sup brotha! Danny: Hi? *pushes past and into the middle of the dance floor where he would be meeting his date* Stranger (girl): Hello handsome. How are you? Danny: *smiles and turns around thinking to find his date* Stranger (girl): You look so fine in your formal outfit. Danny: *makes a face* Oh hi um... Debbie? Stranger (girl): Oh, no sweetie it's Kayla, but *whistles* your pretty smokin. Danny: *laughs* Thanks but I have a girlfriend or a date thats coming to dance with me... she's meeting me in the middle of the dance floor. Stranger (girl): Oh, sorry to bother you then.... have fun and good luck! *pats Danny's shoulder* Danny: *stares at stranger weirdly* Thanks... *looks around to try and find his date* Scene 11: Emma's party Hallie: *holds black cape over shoulders* Lexie I don't know about this... I look good but.... Lexie: *stares at Hallie* Give me the cape. Its time. Hallie: Lexie, I'm afraid he's gonna be some amazing guy and I'm gonna be just me... Lexie: your amazing no matter what and you don't have to show who you are because you have a mask on... Hallie: it worth it Lex? Lexie: give me the cape and I'll tell you... Hallie: *hands over cape and breathes heavily* Lexie: *smiles at her work on Hallie's hair and makeup* Hallie: *reaches hand to door* Okay... here it goes. *opens door and steps inside* Lexie: *trails behind* Go Hallie! *whisper voice* Hallie: *walks slowly down steps* Crowd: *stared with wide open mouths* Danny: *smiles* Hallie: *walks down steps towards the bottom and meets Lexie at the bottom* Where do I meet him? I forgot... Lexie: Middle of the dance floor... hurry! Hallie: *steps past staring eyes to the middle of the dance floor* Danny: *turns to see his date* Hallie: *waits for date* Danny: Uh are you the one i've been texting? *taps shoulder* Hallie: *turns to see Danny* Danny? Danny: *smiles* Hello, uh.... do you want to go outside so we can talk? Hallie: Yeah sure, its hard to hear you over this music... Emma's got a big house... Danny: Yeah I know.... *puts hand out* May I bring you outside? Hallie: *takes hand* sure. *smiles* Scene 12: Outside Hallie: So... I'm surprised we met... I doubt you'd ever know who I was... Danny: Well... *rubs chin and smiles* Who are you? Hallie: thats the point of my mask.... *smiles* Danny: Okay... I see how it is... *smiles* Can you tell me if.... Hallie: Okay... wait. If you get to ask questions so do I... *smiles* Danny: I'm good with that... so can I start? Hallie: *laughs* Uh no, haven't you ever heard of ladies first? Danny: Oh, yeah. Didn't know if you went by that rule. *smiles and laughs* Hallie: *looks at shoes* Okay question one, do you Danny K wish I were someone else? Danny: *looks around jokingly* Welllllllll *laughs* no. I am very happy to have found you... but I wish I knew who you were. Hallie: *blushes* Okay you get to start the next question... Danny: *smiles* Am I able to ask who you are? Hallie: *laughs* no. But you just used up a question. Danny: *laughs* ohhhhhh that's not fair! *smiles* Hallie: Kidding, I'll let you ask all the questions. Danny: *smiles happily* Okay... do you go to the same school I do? 'Cause if you don't I'll kick your butt. Hallie: *giggles* Yes I go to your school.... Danny: I KNOW YOU? Hallie: yes.... but you never really have noticed me... Danny: *sighs and looks around* Are you popular? Hallie: *shrugs* No, not really. Does that really matter though? Danny: *smiles* No I'm just wondering, I really don't care what the girl's popularity scale is as long as she's gorgeous on the inside I'm okay with it. *squeezes Hallie's hand* Hallie: *blushes* Danny: *stares into Hallie's eyes* I know who you are... I just can't tell. I've seen your eyes before. Hallie: *turns and looks away* Yeah you have, I just... don't know what you'd do if you found out. Danny: Do you think I'd like you if I found out? Hallie: No. *tears up* Danny: *grabs Hallie's arm* Can I have this dance? Hallie: *smiles and takes Danny's hand* Yes. Danny: *looks into Hallie's eyes as music plays softly in the background* I wish I knew who you were. Hallie: Stop worrying about that. I'm here with you now. Danny: I've been waiting for this. *smiles* Hallie: *blushes* I know we just met but would you like to see me again if you could? Danny: *smiles* I would love to. Hallie: *giggles and looks straight into Danny's eyes* *heels tap on pavement and someone laughs* Emma: Reece, shhhhh Danny and his Mystery Girl are dancing... Reece: Do you really know who it is Emma? *whisper voice* Emma: Yeah, can you promise not to tell anyone? Reece: *holds pinky out* Pinky promise Emma. Emma: This is why I love you *smiles and pinky promises with him* Reece: Tell me Emmabear. Emma: It's Hallie... *whispers so quietly she can barely even hear herself* Reece: *lips curl into a smile* What do you think Danny would do if he found out? Emma: *shrugs* fall deeply in love with her. Reece: *smiles and gets on one knee* Will you Emma Newhouse dance with me? Emma: *laughs* Yes Reece Reece and Emma: *slow dancing* Danny: *turns and looks at Reece and Emma* Reece: *smiles at danny* Danny: *puts thumb up and makes a yaaaa face* Reece: *laughs queitly* Hallie: *smiles* Danny I- *phone buzzes* Danny: What? Hallie: *groans* Ugh, I got to go... *runs towards enterance* Danny: NO PLEASE WAIT!!! Hallie: *accidentally drops charm bracelet* Thank you for the good time Danny! *yells loud enough but chokes on last words* Danny: *runs to catch up with her but loses her* Reece: Man I tried to find her.... Danny: *picks up charm bracelet* Emma: Sorry Danny. *frowns* Emma's brother: Emma, we're going to choose the king and queen... Emma: *slaps Danny's back gently* its okay big boy we'll find her... *walk inside...* Emma's brother: and our 2013 king and queen are Danny Kaltenbaugh and his mystery date!!! *crowd cheers* Danny: *walks up to mic* I'm sorry everyone... but my date had to leave. *frowns and walks away* End of the #life of Hallie Part one

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