Translate   11 years ago

If You're Reading This... Lately I've had to think a lot about my future. It's that time when I have to choose my subjects for Leaving Cert, which means having some vague idea about what career path I want to take. Ever since I was little, I've been thinking about 'what I want to do when I get older', and it's scary to think that I have to start making real decisions about it. I've went through my phases. I've wanted to be a dancer, an actor, a baker, even. But I always would come back to the one thing. Being a writer. I know that journalism is probably a good choice for me, and that when the time comes I will go for a journalism course in college. I eventually want to write a book, too. Which I will, one day. But lately I've been thinking if I'll be good enough. Will I be able to get a good enough living out of it? A good position in a respectable magazine? Hope so. But you never know unless you try, which I am. I decided to set this account up and write about whatever whenever I feel like it, and see how it all goes. So if you're reading this now, then thank you. If you're not, then how do you know if I'm talking to you?!? Must go now, science test in a few days, and while I love most things about biology, plant reproduction really isn't my thing.

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