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I'll Never Leave You *Nathan Sykes Love Story (Still Working On!) CHAPTER SIX -Still Nathan's POV- THE NEXT DAY... I pulled Adrianna close to me, she was still asleep. I kissed her cheek careful not to wake her and wrote a note and placed it beside her bed saying; 'Hey babe, really glad Tom never ripped my head off! Also happy for you because, I love you. and you didn't have to see my die. Also. I love you and hope to see you soon, with the boys in London coming back 2 days time. Nathan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' Just so she knew she was loved and where I was. I had a shower and changed into my white high tops, my I'd do you top and some jeans. I grabbed my keys and left, not forgetting to take my laptop so I can FaceTime her EVERY DAY! Adrianna's POV I woke up this morning to find no Nathan, but there was a note so I read it and smiled. So caring. So innocent! I stood up messing with my hair and went to take a shower, I changed into my summer dress and white flats, my summer dress was pink 2 hours later ... I'd finished breakfast and all that I'd needed to do so I decided to text Nathan, see how he way, he must be in London by now! vvvvvv TEXT vvvvvv A: Hey Nathan, you in London yet? N: Hey Adrianna, no I'm not in London, yet, traffic is bloody horrendous! A: Know how ya feel, terrible down 'ere too Tom okay? N: Yeah. Lies. No. He's drunk. Pissed. As. Hell! A: Lmfao! Anyways, are YOU okay? And all the other boys? They ain't pissed are they? N: I'm not, the other boys aren't. Their fucking pissed! XD A: How many swear words so far...? N: Six. A: Rhetorical question, Nathan, Rhetorical. No answer needed. N: Alright, I ain't that dumb! A: Ywes wu awre. Anyways don't get drunk, love u gotta go now, bye babes <3 N: Missing u already. I put my phone away and decided to take a nap... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ SORRY THIS CHAPTER WAS SO SHORT!

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