Translate   11 years ago

I'll Never Leave You *Nathan Sykes Love Story (Still Working On!) CHAPTER FIVE -Nathan's POV- Oh no. Tom was here, seeing us snuggle up, probably knowing we've already made out! I'm gunna be beaten to a pulp, I shuffled uncomfortably in my seat and tightened my grip around Adrianna. "Everything's fine, don't worry, he'll understand." She whispered into my ear and I swallowed, hard. She got up and walked over to Tom hugging him. "Hey little sis, has someone found herself a boyfriend?" He asked hugging her back and kissing her cheek. She pulled away shocked. "Your not mad?!" She sounded kinda relieved, I would be, I am! I'm not gonna die today! I silently cheered to myself. "No, I've known you two would get together as soon as you set eyes on each other." "Oh, okay awesome." She said flicking her hair out the way and pulling it behind her shoulder. Tom gasped them laughed. "Girl, you got a love bite." He said pointing to her neck, making me blush. She turned to me. "Well, a certain SOMEONE got carried away with his making out." I blushed again and she sat next to me. Just then Jay and Siva blurted out; "We should play truth or dare!!!" We all jumped by the loudness of their shouting, making us all agree before another round of deathness to the ears came by. We all sat in a circle going. Me, Adrianna, Tom, Jay, Max, Siva. I pointed to them. "MIVA!" They chuckled. Now the game got started and I started to sweat, badly, but cooled down as I never got picked for e first half of the game good for me. "Okay, Nathan, truth or dare?" Max challenged and I shuffled uncomfortably, but I has my baby next to me so I was good. "D-dare." I blurted out, oopsie, what've I gotten into? "I dare you too..........MAKEOUT WITH ADRIANNA IN FRONT KF US ON THAT CHAIR!" He pointed to the love seats. "Okay, I do that all the time, it's a regular thing now." I said chuckling making Adrianna blush like mad, making her adorably cute! I held her hand and led her over to the seat where she sat on my knee. I seated kissing her slowly making out lips move in sync. The kiss got rougher, I grazed her lip asking for an entrance which she obviously let me in on. I moved my tongue in her then kissed her soft spot, making her moan slightly. She straddled me and I kissed her soft spot again making her moan louder. "Woah woah woah!," max blurted quickly, "we said make out not have fucking sex!" We all chuckled. I loved this girl so much.

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