Translate   11 years ago

I'll Never Leave You *Nathan Sykes Love Story (Still Working On!) CHAPTER FOUR -Still still still Adrianna's POV- THE NEXT DAY... I woke up to find Nathan's arms wrapped around my body, I turned to face him, I looked at him sleeping peacefully, I unwrapped his arms and went to have a shower. After about 10 minutes of showering I got dressed into my white high tops my red and white check designer top and some stonewashed skinny blue jeans, I done my hair in a little high bun, messy sorta, and my makeup, just some mascara, eyeliner, lipgloss and blush, when I came out Nathan was stood there shirtless with his mouth hanging open. "Damn girl..." He said eyeing me up and down, I walked over to him and pecked his lips while he leaped on me and kissed my lips. I kissed his back then went downstairs. As I sat on the sofa listening to my music through my iPod something was on my mind. And Nathan knew it. He came and sat next to me. "What are you thinking about?" He asked leaning my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and I looked up at him. "You know we're going out?" I asked swallowing, he looked down at me signalling me to carry on. "We need to tell Tom, but...I don't want him to beat the shit out of you," I said chuckling at the last part, "you know how protective he is of me." Nathan gave me a look that told me he understood. "We're going to have to tell him sooner or later." He said kissing my head. I kissed his lips. "Later" I smirked. He kissed my lips, we kissed for about 5 minutes then pulled apart, I pecked his lips and he started kissing me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. His tongue grazed my lower lip literally begging for an entrance which I gladly accepted, our lips moved in perfect sync, I pulled away and leaned against his chest. The door opened and in came Jay and Siva, Jays reaction was the funniest thing when he saw me and Nathan snuggled up together, I burst out into a giggle fit. Nathan smirked at me rolling on the floor. "So, you and Nath a thing now?" He asked looking down at me and Nathan.I glanced at him standing up. "You tell ANYONE, you'll regret it!" I sat down by Nathan and he put his arm around me protectively. "I won't" Jay promised, as did Siva, I texted Max the exact same thing I'd just said to Jay. "NO WAY! NO SEX!" Was Max's reply, I showed it to the boys and they laughed along with me. Max had just parked up in front and burst through the door hugging me. "Hey," I said to him as he hugged me tighter and kissed my head still hugging me pretty tight. "NO SEX WITH ME MAX!" I screamed as Tom burst through the door. This can't be good...

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