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I'll Never Leave You *Nathan Sykes Love Story (Still Working On!) CHAPTER THREE -Still still Adrianna's POV- I ran downstairs, Nathan chasing me. I giggled as he caught me and placed his hands on my hip but BELOW my bruise, he's so sweet "Caught you!" He screamed into my ear, so I had to hold it because it was banging so I shot a glare as him and wriggled out his hands. I looked around, then sighed. "Everyone's out." I said looking around again. "That's good" Nathan winked at me. "Your sick." I walked into the kitchen and Nathan went and switched on the tv laughing moronically to himself. When I came in with a tea I placed it by him. "How'd you know I'm obsessed with tea?" He asked picking up the cup and sipping it. I scoffed. "P-LEASE! I know everything!" I slumped down into the sofa. "We'll play Twister!" He shouted, once again, into my ear, this time I ignored it, because I couldn't really hear out of it anyway. He placed his cup down. "Okay your on, oh by the way I'll beat you because if there's a tricky move, I won't rip something down there." I winked at him so he got what I meant and left to go get the mat for Twister, I heard him squeak in pain when I said 'rip something'. "Nice picture Aid, nice picture." He chuckled and flicked the board, "you go down, I win." He said with a smirk. 30 MINUETS LATER... "How.Did.You.Win?" He said between laughs. "Top of the rugby team, and I have nothing to rip" I saw him cringe as I said 'rip' again, I laughed. "Right..." I said trying to decide what to do as I took his cup out. As I washed it up I was going to dry it but I was pushed into a wall and warm lips were pressed against mine, I kissed back not knowing what else to do, after I'd finished kissing the person I opened my eyes to find Nathan standing there with a little evil smirk on his face, so I kissed him again, fireworks were blowing in me, grenades, nuclear bombs, it was like someone has punched me! (The good kind of punch!) when I pulled back for the second time I had an evil smirk on my face and I pecked Nathan's lips. "So, Adrianna, wanna go out with me?" He asked chuckling. I stammered. "I-uh..." I bit my lip. Nathan's lips trailed down my next and up to my jawline before finding my soft spot making me moan, I pulled away and eyed him. "How did you know where that was?!" Then, being his cocky self, came back with; "P-LEASE! I know everything!" Just the same as what I'd said with him and tea, so I kissed him again pulling him closer to me. "Yes I will, go out with, you, Nathan. Sykes." I said between kisses then chuckled.

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