Translate   11 years ago

I'll Never Leave You *Nathan Sykes Love Story (Still Working On!) CHAPTER TWO (still Adrianna's POV) I looked down at my clothes once more before feeling soft warm hands lay upon my hip and I winced in pain. "I'm so sorry!" Nathan exclaimed, coming round to the front of me and pulling me into a hug. "No it's fine, really, wow boy you smell good. AND. STRONG. CAN'T. BREATH!" Nathan chuckled and let me go placing both hands on my shoulders. "Why thank you 'o beautiful one." He said bowing making me giggle, "Your laugh is the cutest thing." He said. "Your a right little flirt ain't cha Sykes?" I scoffed, and he nodded hugging me again, "I've heard a lot of it...I've had practice." He chuckled and I pulled away from him eyeing him with a weird look. He chuckled again. His chuckles were so...Perfect. "I need a shower, be down in a few." I said walking over and grabbing some of my very new and very expensive clothes and walking into the bathroom. "Oh believe me, I'll be waiting." I heard a voice say before it disappeared, I chuckled messing about with my hair in the mirror before climbing into the shower. 20 MINUETS LATER... I climbed out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me to find my clothes were gone, I glanced out the door to find Nathan holding my clothes. I turned around and re-wrapped my towel then turned back and came out of the shower. "Please give me my clothes back, Nathan." I said reaching out but he drew them back further and shook his head smirking. "Nathan, don't make me tackle you for them, I was top on the rugby team." I said moving more closer towards him as he moved further away to the bed and sat down. He smirked at me again. "Oh please do, miss Parker." I laughed at his comeback and leaned in, but before I could kiss him I grabbed my clothes and when back into the shower, winking at him as I went. Nathan sighed, "TEASE!" "Too bad, sucker!" I heard him go downstairs and I put my clothes on and redone my makeup before going down myself. Today was gonna ROCK!

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