Jay Walk My best friend Jay Carlsbad had been fighting cancer for 3 years. He always told me the same words before I left the hospital every night. "Jane, you don't know how lucky you are to not be me." It makes me cry to this day. But it always made me smile when Jay was still alive. I realized, and always told him, "Jay, you don't know how lucky you are to have made it this far." My uncle Jon died of cancer two weeks before Jay. Once Jay passed, I had no purpose in #life. I couldn't do it. I couldn't and I wouldn't find another friend. Or at least that's what I told myself. Until I found Julius. Yeah he's got a funny name. But he moved from Mexico just after Jay's death. His father got a promotion at Disneyland because of his stellar idea. Julius' dad wanted to hold a Cancer Walk every year. They would sell tickets and walk all day around Disneyland to raise money for Cancer cures. Julius told me to sign up to be on a team for Jay. Every team supported one individual who suffered from Cancer. I was going to sign up that next month. We needed a team name, so me and Julius decided on "The Jay Walkers" pun intended. I missed Jay. And so did Julius. They never knew each other, but Julius felt like he knew Jay. Because of the Jay Walk!

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