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The Other Me I new you since I first opened my eyes you were the light to my darkness the one who was there when I needed a friend at the times I was all alone my shadow, you brought the worst and best of me you were there to protect me to save me from the worlds cruel truth you where my escape from reality I don't know what I would do without you, but then why are you now my worst enemy my greatest fear, my personal executioner I now run from you like a sheep running from a hungry wolf you become the evil that rips souls apart and devoured them your the cruel queen and I'm the princess you want to keep to yourself, my worst Judge you pick at every little detail I failed in why do you do this to me after everything we have been though I trusted you but you fed me to the wolves why can't you let me go what do you want from me! I miss your warm embrace the sound of your caring voice your courage your straight why have you change so much why have you become the very thing I feared I feel like you are taking control of me I worry you will hurt the the people I care for and I know why you hurt them because you don't want to share me. I feel like I'm losing my mind I don't know who I am any more and your the one to blame every waking moment I'm getting closer to becoming you because you are the other me my dark side which like it or not everyone has one of these some are more powerful then others and some don't even notice it but she's always there and she will never leave me alone until she Consume my heart and my soul. She's apart of me,..... My dark version of me.

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