Promises One step. Two steps. Three steps. Then they disappear, as is they never existed. She moved closer to the edge of the cliff. Her friend had just jumped off of this cliff, and she was about to do the same. Gathering up all her strength and courage, she leaped of the rocky-edged cliff and started plummeting down towards the angry waves that crashed onto the jagged, pointy, sharp rocks that were laid neatly around the cliff. Just as she neared her death, she saw a dark figure. It had wings as long as a birch trees height. As slender, and graceful as a hawks or eagles, yet the body was of a humans. The figure dived down towards her. He looked as if her was about to encase her in darkness as he gained speed. Right as he was ten feet away, her heart got pierced by a rock. Her #lifeless eyes stayed right on the man. "Do not worry. You will be fine." He whispered, knowing that some how she'd be able to hear him through unhearing ears. "You will be safe. I promise."

  • Aimer
  • Amour
  • HaHa
  • Sensationnel
  • Triste
  • En colère