Windows To The Soul Windows to the Soul Unto the eyes I look and see The soul of the wretched, catastrophe Revealing its lies to you and me Of chaos and greed, true belief Terrible lies of death and grief Horrible #life but no relief Unto the eyes I look and see The soul of a knight, his destiny Killing all foes, for chivalry! Strutting around with great pretense Fighting for those with no defense Happy endings, without suspense Unto the eyes I look and see The soul of the loved, in harmony Telling a tale of love and peace Kindness and love is what they preach Respect and care is what they teach Kindness and love for all and each! Unto the eyes I look and see The soul of the mad, cacophony! Filling the world with insanity Isolated and locked away Never again to see the day Playing a game, naiveté! 26/1/2013
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