Prologue:- The forest was still, the frozen ground was cracked and hard as the cats gathered silently around the rock, the wind whipping their fur and stinging their faces. The forest was cold and frozen, the trees gnarled old branches swayed menacingly in the wind. "So," the beautiful, pure white she cat Skystar mewed, "What do we do?" "There's nothing we can do Skystar and you know it ," mewed a light grey she cat, "The cats must find there own way out of this." Leopardstar nodded, "Brookstar's right, they must figure this out on there own. We cannot help them." He looked at the other cats. "How can we help them even if we wanted to? Even we do not fully understand what is going on." Leopardstrike continued, dipped his head, "It is their destiny to figure it out." Skystar nodded, "Have we no advice though, to give to them to help them through the harsh times that approach?" "Three cats, each with the stars in there paws will lead through fire and ice." Rowanstar, the final leaders eyes sparkled as she spoke. "It is decided then," Brookstar mewed, "We will each deliver it to the leader of our old clans." The cats departed through the forest with silent goodbyes. Their old clans were in danger and they were powerless to help. The frozen ground crunched slightly at each pawstep the tom took, he looked at the former leaders, "Three cats, each with the stars at there paws will lead through fire and ice," he murmured, "Interesting." Smiling he turned away and ran, ran deep into the darkening forest. Behind him the leaves rustled as they whipped the cold ground, searching, always searching.
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