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It's Just A Bad Dream. Prologue. *^*^*^*^*^* I jolt up from yet another bad dream. I've had them since the age of thirteen, I'm fifteen now. They might vary on when they accrue, but most of the time I have the every night. It's all ways the same too. Darkness everywhere, with ripples of eerie laughter surrounding me. Every night I get closer to the dim light in the distance. I've just made out a door with a shadow behind it. I was so close to reaching it, every night I get closer and closer to the light. I never know when my dream is going to end tough. This time my hand was on the lock. In a way I want them to carry on, just to see whats the behind the door. I run my sweaty hands through my hair and sigh heavily trying to force myself back into my dream. I get rudely interrupted by Dad knocking on my bedroom door and walking in sitting next to my legs on the bed. "Heard you wake. Same dreams again?" He asks concerned his bushy black eyebrows knitting together as he frowns, "It's only one dream. Yeah." I sigh pulling the covers back up to my mouth and clamping my eyes shut tightly. "Get some sleep hunny. I'll take you back to the man in the morning yeah?" Not 'yeah' I want to carry on with my dream. Even if it scares me to death. "Yeah. I'm ok. Night." I lie back. I hear him walk back out my dark room and when he's gone I instantly turn my bed side light back on. I look at the light coming from my door at the bottom. The shadows solid now. Every night a dim shadow has grown darker and darker like in my dream. I stare at it for a few seconds until it disappears like someone running away. Just like at the end of my dream. After a while of having my eyelids clamped shut together I pop them open and deicide to read my book about how to not dream. The man I'm seeing tomorrow gave it to me. It doesn't work. I read the first few sentences and place it back on my bed side table. I lye back onto my pillow and start to hum a quiet tune to myself from the song, My Lighthouse by Villagers. I used to sing it to myself and PinkTed at school when I was upset. Yeah... PinkTed is a tiny little pink teddy bear with a magnet on his belly. I used to and still do take him everywhere with me, he's like a safety blanket. Of course when I got to a certain age I just kept him in my pocket like I do now. I always make sure he's ok though, don't worry. I reach under my pillow and feel his soft head next to mine, I pull him out and cradle him in my hand protectively. I used to get bullied a lot at school for how I acted and looked. People would call me a psycho and things like that because they found out about my dreaming situation. I learnt to ignore it thankfully. I don't go to school now, I have a tutor that comes to my house now and then to say numbers and letters. It's not very interesting, I normally daydream and imagine what my 'dream' will be like at night. My eyes feel heavy as I stroke PinkTed's head. I close my eyes rolling over on my side and breathing slowly, "Go to sleep Imogen." Whispers the familiar voice in my dreams. The voice always comes and says that when I'm about to fall asleep. I smile to myself and let myself fall back into the deep, dark abyss which is my bad dreams.

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