перевести   11 лет назад

Grandad This is the #poem I wrote myself to read out at my Grandad's funeral tomorrow. (Some things are personal, so might not make sense) A man of selfless acts, time and again. A man with bold words, no hesitation or refrain. A loving family, always by his side. All sat here, all teary eyed. He cared a lot, and we did too. Never wanted much, always said 'I'll make do'. He brought us up, played horsey on his knee. He cheered us up, he cooked us tea. His sprouts were the best, nothing compared, His puddings too, with mash he paired. A brave man, we will never forget. He wouldn't want tears, so please don't fret. In his lovers arms, reunited at last. Still missing her, as 45 years passed. He's in a better place, so it's time for good bye. They'll be watching over us, from way up high. Rest In Peace x x

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